Fishing Forum

Full Version: WaterChap, Chick, Bass, 07/06/18, Solo
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Well, if you’re reading this hoping to learn something about fishing you’ll probably be disappointed. I’ll tell you a little something, but it probably won’t help much.<br /><br />I got to the ramp at the dam around 8:30 in the morning. My intention was to leave at safe light, but an accident that I’m too embarrassed to describe right now meant that I had to go by Walmart at 7 before picking up my boat. When I got to the ramp, the parking lot was empty of people and there were only a few trailers. As I was prepping my boat, some fellow came in to the dock and tied up on the corner nearest the ramp, which left him hanging across one of the lanes at the ramp. <br /><br />It almost irritated me, but I reminded myself that there were three lanes and it didn’t matter (I may not be a great fisherman, but I’m an A+ judgemental grump). <br /><br />The fellow came up towards his truck and I asked him how it went. He said it wasn’t too good as his dad passed out on the boat. Turns out that he was in the middle of a medical emergency and I had briefly thought about saying something to him about his boat parking! Anyway, we got his boat on the trailer and his dad loaded up and it seemed like everyone was going to be ok. <br /><br />The Lord reminded me that I should be very slow to be irritated with others because I don’t ever know the whole story. I also thought that if I didn’t have a pretty dumb accident the night before, he wouldn’t have had any help when they got to the ramp. So it was all the Lord’s timing. <br /><br />I had intended to work on ledge fishing, about which I know close to zero. I first ran topwater in a cove and missed a couple of hookups. Then I ran a shoreline with a jerk bait and had one follow it, but not strike. I found a ledge with some fish sitting on it (I think) but wasn’t able to get them to bite. I think I tried a plastic green shad (on a heavy jig head) at one spot and a plum 10” worm Carolina rigged at another. But don’t take that as evidence that they won’t hit them. <br /><br />Long report short, get your ledge fishing advice from alicia!