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I was not going to post any more< I think I post to much

I just got back from fishing Fish Lake Have not seen a lot of people posting about catching Kokanee at Fish Lake

So here goes

My Grandson asked me to go with his Scouts, (for 5 days) did not see any one cleaning any kokes and every day I was asked how I was catching them

we caught a lot and the kids missed a lot 12 to 17 years old.
I did not take a lot of pictures but here are some.
best fishing time 6 to 9 am
best speed 1.3 to 2 mph keep changing speeds
down rigger balls down 54 to 65 feet later in the day the fish come up best is 50 to 55 feet down
lures same as what was working at Strawberry.
all I used was small Squids Pink and pink and white.
dodgers I used were 5.5in sling blades and silver Mack Double D Dodger 4.4"
I tried orange 2 times didn't work
some green on dodgers worked
fishing spots east side across for south boat ramp and far north boat ramp about 100 yards west of where every one is fishing.
we had 4 boats I was the only one fishing for Kokanee the others rainbows and perch the kids loved fishing for perch one kid said he got 49 purch in one hour.

Biggest Laker I got was 22 in we got Splake and one Tiger Trout.

this is how we got the Tiger Trout
My Grandson and I went out with out any kids, was fishing for lakers
had 4 lures dragging the bottom two spoons and two big lures that I made about 7" long
the one with a spoon came out of the downrigger clip and the fight was on. we thought we had a 30 lb laker.
for 10 min my grand son was trying to get it in and not making any head way
so I started pulling the other lines in had 100' set back and down 100' that is 200' of line Im reeling in.
got to the last pole and started reeling it in then my grandsons fish started coming in. got them by the boat two fish were hooked to gather the spoon had a 10" rainbow and the big lure had the Tiger Trout. both fish went back in the water.
Hey Robert -- I enjoyed your post, and especially how you 2 finally dragged up "the big ones" from the deep....good pics, and those scouts will never forget an outing like that....those Kokes look pretty impressive!....hope to see you at Strawberry again....Guluk...
It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

Takes me back to our trips together.

Fun times.
Please don't feel like you're posting too much. As an avid koke fisherman, I mostly come here looking for your posts. I enjoy your vast knowledge, videos, and depth reports.
Looks like a fun trip. I was surprised at the size. Those look close to the average size at Strawberry. I am curious, as you can fish corn at FL and not at Strawberry - did you try tipping with corn?
Robert, it appears that you need to make more trips to Fish Lake and teach those southerners how to fish for kokanee. Also, keep posting just as much (or even more) than you have been.
Looks like they are getting pretty good size! I'll have to try getting up there. Will the Kokanee stay that deep all summer?

I dont have down riggers only lead line...wondering if I could get it down there to them.
it would be hard to catch them with out downriggers
you would need to keep adding weight till you found them
I would go in the spring when they are up high

I did not know I could use corn till I got down there and was reading about it.
I may have taken some with me. the pink Gulp Maggots work good
Great post it's all ways good to go with the scouts, I will be heading up in the Uintas next week.
Good report,thank you!
Last year on the week of July 24th we loaded the boat multiple days with limits of 1.75lbrs.
Your shot of your fish at the cleaning station appears to show maybe 2 pounders or so?
Am I close?
I am headed down for a week again this 24th and was hoping for a 1 lb gain since last year but dont know if the fertility of FL would support that growth.
Did you catch anything that would be close to 3 lbs?
Thanks again.
one was 18" and 2.25 LB the only one I weight, that one was not to fat.
biggests was 19 1/2" I think we had some 3 and maybe over
[quote kentofnsl] Also, keep posting just as much (or even more) than you have been.[/quote]

I agree 200 percent.
Now I am even more excited for my trip........
Keep the posts coming!
[quote a_bow_nut]It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

Takes me back to our trips together.

Fun times.[/quote]

Agreed, Robert was one of the reasons I bought a boat, my second time ever to the gorge was on his boat and it was a matter of months until I bought my own boat and began the learning curve. He just has a lot more free time so his learning curve looks a lot better!
Great Report Robert. Keep them coming.

My wife and I will be at Fish Lake next week July 23 - 25, and hope to catch some Kokanee, we also plan on spending a little time targeting Lake Trout.
