Fishing Forum

Full Version: What would THAT catch?
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So, I'm puttering around on Wish, and browsing lures. They're all the normal kinds, looking like smaller fish, shrimp, frogs, even a bumble bee. And then....
I dont think I would be allowed to post a picture. I might get in trouble for adult content. Let's just say it resembles a body part that I, as a female, do not have.... LOL

It's only $2 each lure...
Are batteries included?
[#0000FF]Like many fishing contrivances on the market, they seem designed more to catch fishermen (or women) than fish.
[#0000FF]Hope you didn't "bite".
Who knows, you might be able to catch a fish on a lure that resembles a man's beard.[Wink] BTW - they are going for only $1.00 now.
No, no batteris... and no, I didn't "bite" LOL
As with most things on Wish - you get what you pay for.
Quality it is not.
Plus a lot of items they sell seem to be smaller than would be represented by the adverts.

just saying . . .

strange things have been pulled out of fishes bellies
Sometimes... I got earrings that looked small and dainty in the picture, but ended up being twice as big as I wanted... they take up my whole friggin' earlobe! LOL