Fishing Forum

Full Version: mjc1761, Chickamauga and Guntersville Lakes, Bass, 7-12-18
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The last few days have been an absolute "thumb bleeding BLAST"!!! We lost count of the numbers of fish with some solid quality on Lake Chickamauga on Wednesday and Thursday, and then to come out on Guntersville Lake today and pick up where we left off and catch some more good numbers of quality fish has made the last few days some to remember for the month of July. We caught between 60-70 fish EACH day on Big Chick and kind of went through the tackle storage with several different lures and patterns, and it seemed everything worked, especially the Producer Swimbaits. We caught fish in shallow grass, deep grass, deep structure, and deep ledges both days. A lot of the areas we fished it seemed almost every cast we caught some solid fish and several doubles each day. "WOW"!!! I then had another client that wanted to do some fun fishing on the Big "G" today and as I was telling him the story of the last couple of days on Big Chick we started doing the same thing here. He asked me to pick up a rod and join him in some fun....and we did!!! We started out with some great Bull Wake action with several small fish but with one good fish at the boat that came off, but at least got a short video of it jumping off at the boat that I posted on Facebook. We then decided to move out to the deeper grass areas up in the morning with Choo Choo Jigs and the action just kept right on rolling!! "AND THEN" as we were fishing a grass edge fish started schooling on the surface and the topwater explosions with Stutter Steps started, and this goes without saying how much fun this was. Get out and have some fun!!! Mike Carter