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Fished Lincoln Beach today and fishing was hot! Fast action all morning. Caught lots of kitties but nothing noteworthy. Keep 8 for a fish fry. As I was driving home I happened to look in my rear view mirror and discovered a HOT issue. My boat was on fire. By the time the Fire Dept folks got their it was totally engulfed. Total loss. All rods/reels, fishfinder, tackle, trolling motor, new 12volt batteries, and whatever I haven’t thought of. I just remembered the fish fillets were way over cooked.
Wow, that is terrible. Any idea what caused the fire?
I am so sorry. Was it insured? I don't know how that works with boats.
Fire Fighters thinks there was short in the 12volt system.
Don’t know for sure. The boat was not specifically ensured but the tow vehicle has full coverage. Maybe it will be covered.
Thats just not no good, hopefully you had insurance, just like me you never know when it could happen to you.
My agent has told me if it is being towed then the towing vehicle insurance will cover it. I really hope that is true, for your sake.
it should be, minus your deductible, at least mine was part was paid by truck and part by the boat polices,
Shocking! CatCarsen and I wished you well at the launch today and now this! Probably good you were not on the water. I hope you got that pretty new truck away from the flames?? That was a really nice boat and set up you had there. Those “industrial strength” rods you had will be tough to replace.

Really bad and Sad news. Wish we could have been there to try to help. At least you still have your puddle-jumper to fish from.

Good luck with recovery and hope to see you back on the water soon.

Where did this happen? Hope you were close to home.
Very upsetting.[Sad]
It was close to the new rock quarry on West Mountain Road. I had just passed their entrance road. Yes, about 500.00 just for the rod and reels!
GOOD GRIEF !!! Not good, sorry to see that, even from a Cat Contest competitor.
Hope no physical harm to you.
Thanks Tin-Can. No physical issues. Just a little ticked off that it happened.
Roger on the "Ticked off"
How very Sad! My condolence hope you can recover soon.
That is scary and is just just making me sick to my stomach. I’m so terribly sorry for loss. I wish there was something I could but I’m just just extremely grateful that no injuries occurred to you or you truck. Oh man I’m just just in ahh and shock....
Sorry to hear about this must have been a good boat as I've had plenty of boats that I wish it would have happened too. But it never happens to crappy boats.hope all turns out for the better in the end.

I got to ask how Is aluminum fried catfish with a bit of fiberglass and plastic seasoning????
Sorry to hear that for you dang it... Hope they will replace it quickly for you.... I had a short in my wires when I got my boat, so I've been OCD over unhooking the battery after each trip, now I'm feeling like maybe it's good I've been crazy and doing that... Glad it didn't take your truck and hurt you too... Sorry for the losses... Later J
Sorry man, but be very grateful that did not happen while stored in your garage.
I keep my 5th wheel in my garage next to my boat and truck and I get weekly night horrors of a fire starting while in storage between trips.....
That is rough to see, my condolences. I'm glad nobody was hurt. It looks like the fire was pretty intense for a time.