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So I just got back from being with our ward young men at summer camp... Always love being able to go to the Winds and now I'm not the leader anymore, I was even more lucky to be able to join them...

After a rough hike in on an old man, or at least I felt that way after the hike... we set up camp and crawled into our sleeping bags and died... but resurrected first thing in the morning to this:
[inline "wind 18 morning glass.JPG"] Since most of the boys didn't rise early I played with the brookies and my fly rod, it was a fun start... think I ran off about 32 fish before I went back to camp for breakfast... most were small, but fun on a 3 WT...

(Well this isn't working, see next picture below I can't get it to show up here)

After breakfast I taught three of the boys how to fly fish and then we returned to the lake to catch a few Mac.

[inline "wind 18 average mac.JPG"]
We caught about 25 of the mac and then decided to go exploring to see what was around us... found some cool stuff

See next couple pictures below...
[inline "wind 18 the falls.JPG"]

I can't figure out why this works sometimes and not others... one more picture below..

Well the next few days were full of fish and more fun like this... ended up catching so many fish even I was tired of reeling in fish... lost a ton of tackle and must say I once again am hating that crap nanofil line, it really sucks for big fish... I lost way too much tackle due to sucky line... it casts great, but sure don't stand up to abrasion of strong fish... guess my best fish was 23-24" nice mac.... probably around 5-6 lbs... fun trip... Later J
Here's my best Mac. Doesn't look as big as it was but without holding it, it's hard to compare. Fun fish it really pulled. Last fish of the trip for me. Later J
Nice, I sure need to get back up there, haven't been since the summer of 1984.
Back then sure caught some nice brookies.
Oh my, I didn't know such a place existed with my 2 favorite trout species in the same water, can you post more details on where this is?
It's a great spot but I bet you won't recognize it from the pressure these days. But you can find some areas without too many folks. Most folks these days are climbing and trail runners, not as many fishermen as it used to be but it surprises me how many people ya see now compared to twenty years ago. But it's still a lot less populated than around the wasatch front and Uintas. It's for sure worth a trip, nothing like that area I'm just in awe looking around up there. I hope you get a chance to get back up there and see it again. Later J
You'll be surprised how many areas do have Mac and brooks up there. Some guys even caught a couple tigers too. Lake to lake you find a new mix of species that's one thing I love so much about the winds. Stocking reports help you find lakes that do what you want. I'd rather not say exact spots because that can push too much pressure to one spot when there are tons of lakes that do what you want. I think there is like a thousand lakes in the range. Not all are good but a lot are great!!! I think the F&G is starting to put predator fish in lakes that are over populated with brooks and it's making great fishing lakes. Anyway make sure to try that range it's really fun. Later J
Did you take your goats to pack your gear in? Nice mac.
I didn't take the goats they are still a year younger than they recommend packing with and I didn't want them to be a problem for the group so I'll try a light weight Uinta trip later this summer with just me and my daughter so we can work with them. Next year I'll take them. Thanks for the congrats. Later Jeff
Could you please reply to my PM on the Uinta brook trout fishhuntr?
I am so jealous.
Jeff Probst
Yup I was really lucky to get to go, the trip really puts me behind on things but I'm sure glad I did it. Already dreaming of a next trip. Probably to the Uintas the next time. It's a little easier and cheaper. Later J