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How much longer do we have for the kokes? I'm not talking about what the law says. But when they become unedible. I've seen a few pictures of recent kokes, looks like they are starting to get a pink tint on the side, and starting to get that jaw.

Going to the Gorge in a week, really don't wanna come home with kokes that taste like trash.

Where a good place to find this kokes this time of year up at the gorge. We'll be up by Manila.
[quote Access-Denied]How much longer do we have for the kokes? I'm not talking about what the law says. But when they become unedible. I've seen a few pictures of recent kokes, looks like they are starting to get a pink tint on the side, and starting to get that jaw.

Going to the Gorge in a week, really don't wanna come home with kokes that taste like trash.

Where a good place to find this kokes this time of year up at the gorge. We'll be up by Manila.[/quote]

The kokes will be everywhere looking for food so they can fatten up for the spawn, should be fairly aggressive feeders about now.
[quote Access-Denied]How much longer do we have for the kokes? I'm not talking about what the law says. But when they become unedible. I've seen a few pictures of recent kokes, looks like they are starting to get a pink tint on the side, and starting to get that jaw.

Going to the Gorge in a week, really don't wanna come home with kokes that taste like trash.

Where a good place to find this kokes this time of year up at the gorge. We'll be up by Manila.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I have to laugh every time I see this type of comment. And, PLEASE, don't think I'm being disrespectful towards you A-D; none intended. But here's the reason why I have to laugh. I spent a year in Alaska and saw spawning runs of 5 different species of salmon in the Naknek River that year. The reds (Sockeye -our kokanee) ran in the early Fall and the residents were allowed to have subsistence permits which permitted the taking of 50 fish a day. They were allowed to take them by any method that worked and snagging with very larger, heavy treble hooks was preferred by most. The fish were a brilliant red at this time of year and stacked in the rivers like cord wood. With the whole family lining the bank and snagging, it took maybe 30 minutes to get their allotment of 50 fish. When I asked them why they were doing that for a fish that certainly wasn't any good to eat in that condition, they just laughed at me and told me they would all be pressure canned and you couldn't tell the difference in taste from a healthy one caught in the Spring. I had a chance to test out that statement while up their, and they were absolutely correct. Those canned totally red salmon tasted just as good as any can of salmon I bought in a grocery store.[/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]So my answer to you would be this: If you have the equipment to pressure can them, you have until the law says you can't. I personally pressure can about 80% of all the salmon I catch during the year and just love it for sandwiches and salads year round.[/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Right now, my pantry has pints/half pints of canned salmon, lake trout, sharptail grouse, and Canada goose. Ummm, Ummm, good![/#800000][/font]
I have got silver 5 lb kokanee in sept at FG
here is one we got yesterday at FG
Congrats and awsome fish!! We will be there next week and can’t wait! Is pink still the go to color or are they changing to other colors also
pink first then pink and white

they are down deep 60 to 70 feet down
there is a lot of little kokes that you can't keep off your hook

north by buck board may be the best place to go may not be a lot of 6 to 8" kokanee
next year should be good if they live
So do you have a Kokanee bottling recipe that you would be willing to share?

I have bottled tuna in the past & really love it. I have tried rainbows and kokanee in the past & didn't care for the taste & texture. Not sure what I'm doing wrong?

I hit Strawberry this a.m. & it was a phenomenal morning of fishing - see attached photo. The fish on the left was 20" & weighed 3 lbs and 8 oz. I lost another one right at the net that was this big or bigger. He broke off my gear & is now wearing some jewelry - my best set up this year for sure. The fish are starting to show some pink. The fish were very aggressive & had to be one of the best days this year (I've had some very good days this year!) I had the DR's set for 45 & 50 feet - the color didn't matter today.

Tight lines . . .
[quote liketrolling]I have got silver 5 lb kokanee in sept at FG
here is one we got yesterday at FG[/quote]

Beautiful koke. How deep was it?