07-22-2018, 12:32 AM
I always seem to head toward the sunrise at Willard. No real plan or tactic in mind this morning. Got 2 rat-l-traps out and moseyed basically east in 16-17 fow at 1.3 to 1.8 mph (GPS) 15 minutes on the water, starboard side rod with a "shad" imitating lure bent so hard I was afraid it would break. Line stripped off the reel and I could see the mono moving north while my direction of troll was east. Ohhhhh Boy! That ain't no snag [shocked]. Got the rod out of the holder, pulled back and felt a violent shake and even harder pull to the north. Line had peeled off so fast, the reel was quite warm. Kept rod up, reel a couple cranks, fish said "oh heck no" and stripped out another 20 feet of line. Went back and forth reeling line, fish strippin line maybe 2 minutes. Thought it was getting tired, gave me a chance to grab my net. Oh boy this is gonna be a big.......something.
Rod still up and back, reel drag just right to allow some pull, a head shake every few seconds, then..................
NOTHING, NADA, JIP, ZILCH !!! Line went slack so suddenly I almost fell backwards. Line just laid there on the water limp. No weight or resistance at all. Reeled in and there it is AGAIN.......no swivel clip, no lure, NO FISH ! That happened last week. I re-tied the knots on that rod. No little curly twist to indicate the knot had come undone. A clean knife like cut.[:/] Oh oh that was one of my wife's lures................[frown].
OK, tied on a new swivel, put a Fire Tiger rat-l-trap on, line back out, boat back on course, speed at 1.4 - 1.8. Line out less than 5 minutes, HIT ! Steady pull. Grab rod, yep a fish. Not so big, but well hooked and no line break. Cat # 1 safely in the boat. And with disrespectful barks, accepted invitation for dinner.
Less than 40 minutes later trolling in a large odd shaped oval, Cat # 2 with more attitude and bigger shoulders hit that fire tiger. In the net, and in the boat, 2 of the 3 hooks on rear treble embedded in corner of his mouth, broke off one hook getting it out.
10 a.m. approx. power squadron starts showing up early. Tried to anchor up in a couple spots and soak some worms........no joy.
11 a.m. headed on in to the south marina, anchor up near the channel no boat buoy (keeps me out of the traffic while I put the boat back in road ready condition)
Was almost ready to head for the dock, when one rod rattled in the holder and the line started going up the channel toward the inlet. Cat # 3 made it into the live well, and I decided to stick around awhile longer.
Watched the big boats coming and going. threading his way thru the traffic was ZukiBlue (Gene)
Got some small nibbles on one worm, then a sharp tug. Came up with a young Wiper, released. Then noticed I was sitting in the middle of a school of Wiper. They must have been getting lessons on how to "boil" they weren't driving and shad, and no birds were diving, but the young Wiper were spittin and splashin all around me. Tied a small brass hook to the end of one line, clipped on a bobber, and cast out into the mess of "bulls eyes" created by all the youngsters spittin. Hooked up a Wiper almost every other cast. Stopped counting at 10, didn't want to take my shoes and socks off [laugh]
Called it a day about 1:50 P.M. and waited my turn to get some dock space.
Cleaned the 3 Cats and headed home. Not a bad day.[fishon]
Rod still up and back, reel drag just right to allow some pull, a head shake every few seconds, then..................
NOTHING, NADA, JIP, ZILCH !!! Line went slack so suddenly I almost fell backwards. Line just laid there on the water limp. No weight or resistance at all. Reeled in and there it is AGAIN.......no swivel clip, no lure, NO FISH ! That happened last week. I re-tied the knots on that rod. No little curly twist to indicate the knot had come undone. A clean knife like cut.[:/] Oh oh that was one of my wife's lures................[frown].
OK, tied on a new swivel, put a Fire Tiger rat-l-trap on, line back out, boat back on course, speed at 1.4 - 1.8. Line out less than 5 minutes, HIT ! Steady pull. Grab rod, yep a fish. Not so big, but well hooked and no line break. Cat # 1 safely in the boat. And with disrespectful barks, accepted invitation for dinner.
Less than 40 minutes later trolling in a large odd shaped oval, Cat # 2 with more attitude and bigger shoulders hit that fire tiger. In the net, and in the boat, 2 of the 3 hooks on rear treble embedded in corner of his mouth, broke off one hook getting it out.
10 a.m. approx. power squadron starts showing up early. Tried to anchor up in a couple spots and soak some worms........no joy.
11 a.m. headed on in to the south marina, anchor up near the channel no boat buoy (keeps me out of the traffic while I put the boat back in road ready condition)
Was almost ready to head for the dock, when one rod rattled in the holder and the line started going up the channel toward the inlet. Cat # 3 made it into the live well, and I decided to stick around awhile longer.
Watched the big boats coming and going. threading his way thru the traffic was ZukiBlue (Gene)
Got some small nibbles on one worm, then a sharp tug. Came up with a young Wiper, released. Then noticed I was sitting in the middle of a school of Wiper. They must have been getting lessons on how to "boil" they weren't driving and shad, and no birds were diving, but the young Wiper were spittin and splashin all around me. Tied a small brass hook to the end of one line, clipped on a bobber, and cast out into the mess of "bulls eyes" created by all the youngsters spittin. Hooked up a Wiper almost every other cast. Stopped counting at 10, didn't want to take my shoes and socks off [laugh]
Called it a day about 1:50 P.M. and waited my turn to get some dock space.
Cleaned the 3 Cats and headed home. Not a bad day.[fishon]