Buddy caught this ugly mug in Mantua recently.
Discussion pointed tot eh stocking report - listing a LARGE number of very SMALL channel cats have been planted.
Channels in the seaweed puddle? Interesting.
Anyone know anything? Any DNR announcements I missed?
But this ain't no channel!
[inline "Mudcat Mantua.jpg"]
Nope not a channel. Wrong tail. Brown bullhead, maybe.
If they start eating snails like the planted rainbows do, they'll live up to their bad-tasting reputation. (Unlike Pineview's bullheads, which are delicious.)
Man that's a big mudcat...... and interesting if they put channels in there... wonder what their thoughts were on that one??? Might grow big ones in five or ten years... Later J
On May 14, 2018, Chris Penne (Northern Region Aquatics Manager, Utah Department of Natural Resources) wrote in an email to me:
"We did some netting at Echo last fall and saw few channel cats in our nets, but the ones that were there were quite large - 25+ inches. My take is the catfish are present in low numbers but the ones that have made it in Echo are good size. Based on what we saw in our nets, we didn't think the return we were getting in terms of catfish numbers was enough to justify continuing to stock catfish Echo. Instead, we've moved those fish to Mantua Reservoir, which will be receiving it's first stocking with the channel catfish this summer."
82,516 channel cat fry have been planted in Mantua this year (per the stocking report).
They are decent sized, that's for sure.
When the lake gets low up by the mouth of the river you can see them swimming everywhere!
But catching them is a different story.
Sure wish the cats would do better in Echo.
Looks like 80+ thousand cats
Mouth of the river on Echo..... decent sized in Echo.
We'll see how good they do in Mantua I guess.