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Is wind usually a factor there? Will I be blown off the lake in an aluminum row boat?
It can be very windy at times. As of late it hasn't been bad, especially late in the evening around sundown.

The lake is famous for wind-surfing though - when the wind does pick up, it gets after it.
Thanks for the info.
Just got this message from someone lol.

Quote:"I’m assuming that you are from Seattle but live in Evanston do to your name but I would strongly recommend you remove the Post you made about sulfur creek. I don’t know if you just want attention and that’s why you posted that or what. We here in Wyoming cherish the fact that no one comes up here and now you’ve opened a can just like that damn Doug Miller used to do. Get it off "

Not that it matters, but no, I am not from Seattle. Born and raised in Evanston, WY.

I don't want or need attention. Far from it. The reason I decided to share this lake and the fishing, is because after fishing it all Spring and Summer... I realized that only a couple of people regularly target the walleye in here. It is a tremendous resource that is not being used. I think more harvest would help w/ the average size of eyes. I also am very worried that if this lake isn't utilized as a walleye fishery in the future, the Game and Fish may decide to poison it and return it to a trout lake only. That would really be a shame. Because the walleyes are doing very well in here, both in terms of how big they are getting and how well they are reproducing. I still catch plenty of trout. But there are tons of places to catch trout in SW WY. The next closest lake with eyes in WY is Boysen and Seminoe. It really is nice having such a great walleye fishery in SW WY. Some lakes can handle a lot of additional pressure, and some would even benefit from it. Sulphur Creek fits that bill.

I get tired of selfish people. What is best for you, in the long run, isn't that the lake stays secret. If you really like catching eyes at Sulphur you should be telling everyone you know about it. Only then will the future of the lake as a walleye fishery be cemented. Maybe the game and fish could even stock perch and provide them with more forage. In any case, if you have a problem with someone posting a report why not just post a reply in the report instead of creating a new account and private messaging me?

People in WY are spoiled. I see this attitude a lot. We are so used to fishing lakes by ourselves when a guy shows up 500 yards down the bank we start complaining.

It is a really rotten attitude to have though. There are plenty of fish for everyone, especially in WY.
I had a feeling you would get at least one PM like that, it does not only happen in Wyo, it happens here in Utah as well. I commend you on being willing to share info like you have. In the big picture, there will be few that will go up there to give it a try but when you are seeing few people there I can understand how even seeing a few more might seems like a not but when you fish in Utah you get use to it. Thanks for sharing with us, it will help others from Wyo who did not know about it, like Cessna150.

By the way, I would hope that once you move to Colo that you will post on that board, it needs members posting. utwalleye is the mod there and moved there from Utah a few years past and he likes to fish for walleye and SMB.
A little Heavy Metal never hurt anyone![Wink]
Well you probably got a few haters, but probably a lot more friends by your post and the F&G owe you a commission on the licenses you sold for them... What color lure do the fish like? Later J
I just assume any lake I fish has a little mercury. Probably no more than you’ll find in canned tuna.

I like Keitech swimbaits and I’m biased but I think all of their colors are great. I fish all kinds of colors of them at Sulphur and have never noticed much of a difference between them.

I’m in the small minority of fisherman who doesn’t pay too much attention to color. I think the lure/bait itself, the speed, depth, cadence, etc are all way more important.
Not sure what it is in other lakes but that doesn't seem too bad. I eat fish once a week and according to that list I could eat fish from that lake 4 times a month and still be ok but I rarely eat walleye more than twice a month. Too many other fish I like to eat, you know what they say, variety is the spice of life[Wink].
Ya know I think you're right there about confidence in how you fish it, but I still think you need to be ballpark on colors. At least the smallies seem particular on colors. Thanks. Later J
Do you ever use these (see photos) for walleye with success? I have tried them a little for makinaw without success.
Here are a couple photos of Sulfur Cr that I took Saturday on the way back from the Evanston air show. It looks like the water is a little low. Has anyone fished it lately?
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