I went to Yuba on saturday the fishing was pretty slow. The water temp was 41 deg first thing in the morning and then warmed up to 45. We ended up only catching a couple of walleyes. I think in another couple of weeks things should pick up. <br><br>
jigs? riggs? Trolling? I know a bunch of people going down next weekend. Did you fish the newly submerged christmas trees? Or did you fish near the inlets? Sounds like you should have stopped by the spanish fork river on the way home! Did you take the skeeter? <br><br>
We took the tracker I still need to buy a new trolling battery for the skeeter. If any one knows of a good brand trolling battery for cheap let me know. We used a couple of different techniques. We tried trolling cranks, casting jigs, spinner harness, Lindy rigs about every thing. We ended up catching a couple on jigs and the rest on a lindy rig in about 18 to 12ft of water. By the way Mike it's the same rig I used on Friday, out on willard. <br><br>
Sweet! you gotta love the lindy rig! I am going to hit either jordanelle or deer creek next sat, depending. Sounds like fun though. Hopefully some early smallmouth will be biting.<br><br>
I got a few Ideas for Willard, If you want to go out and try it some time this next week let me know. <br><br>
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How big were the walleye? Did you catch any perch? Wh2<br><br>
We caught two walleyes in the mid 20 inches range and the rest were right around 18 inches. We didn't catch any perch.<br><br>