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With the Lincoln Beach closure I fished there today in my kayak. Drove out near the rocks by the first spring and launched from there. The water was clear with only a few places with green goo. The area at the launch was pretty bad with blue/green goo but the open water looked good. Fishing was not so good... only caught two cats dragging carplets westward toward the orchards.

When I returned to my truck and drove through the parking lot there was one boat trailer, looked like a pontoon boat. The DWR Quagga guy was on duty so I stopped to inquire about launching. He said they were still checking boats for mussels but they had no authority to stop people from launching. As far as he was concerned it was launch at your own risk. Not sure if that is the same approach the Co. Sheriffs would take?? I still believe the closure was a CYA attempt by the Div. or Environment Resources or whoever has the authority to close it.

Anyhow, I plan to risk arrest or death by algae by launching my boat on monday... just hope the fishing improves.

Thanks for the update Lynn. Still working on my new ride in preparation for a great September. Maybe the water will be better. Only problem their might not be enough to launch in. Those Northern Boys are taking this years Catfish Contest Serious. But we won’t go down without a fight!
That pontoon was me and Jim and my boys. I posted about it in premium but I will say it was a terrible day fishing for us. Glad you were able to grab a couple. Your a lot better than us .
"Anyhow, I plan to risk arrest or death by algae by launching my boat on monday... just hope the fishing improves."

[#0000FF]Wow, Lynn. You are a scofflaw and a thrill-seeker. Also an infernal optimist. But then, what else do we fisherfolk have to keep us going in the bad times?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Hopefully the weather cools off and the fishing heats up soon. You keep after 'em and if the dieties of fishing have any compassion you shall be rewarded.[/#0000FF]
I went out to the channel a couple of days ago like a "mad dog or Englishman." After an hour I hadn't had a nibble or a peck or a hug around the neck and started to feel heat stroke coming on so I left. The water was pretty soupy anyway and I kept looking over my shoulder for the algae nazis; just no fun all around.