Fishing Forum

Full Version: ChooChooSnakeMan, Chickamauga, Bass, 8/11/18, Solo
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Was able to get on the water after about 5 weeks Saturday morning. The plan was to stay in Harrison Bay and pick the wife up around lunch time. I launched around 6:30 and moved to the rip rap. Caught two with one being a pretty nice 2 1/2 lb keeper. Next I moved off the bank and fished grass but no takers in that spot. I moved a short distance and on I think my second cast caught a nice 7 lb large mouth on a C'rigged green pumpkin worm in 10' of water in the grass on a point. Before time ran out I managed to catch two more keepers in the same area. Those fish were nice and healthy. I ended with the four keepers and about 14 1/2 lbs. Had a good time, the weather was nice but it got hot. Not much wind. Water clarity was pretty clear and water temps were middle 80s.