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Full Version: Fillet of Sea Trout on Cauliflower Cream with a Fresh Herb-Pea Dressing
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75g/3oz podded peas
iced water
450g/1lb fillet of sea trout, pin-boned
flour, for dusting
1-2 tbsp olive oil
knob of butter
½ lime

For the cauliflower cream:
25g/1oz butter
½ cauliflower (or 1 small), cut in small florets
200ml/7fl oz milk
salt and ground white pepper
squeeze of lemon juice (optional)

For the herb oil (makes 150ml/½pt: recipe can be halved):
1 tbsp chopped curly or torn flatleaf parsley
1 tbsp chervil leaves, torn
1 tbsp dill, chopped
1 tbsp chives, chopped
1 tbsp tarragon, chopped
100ml/3½fl oz olive oil
3 tbsp groundnut oil


To make the cauliflower cream:
1. Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan. Add the florets, cover with a lid and cook on a very low heat, without colouring, for 10-15 minutes, until beginning to soften.
2. Add the milk and once gently simmering, return the lid and cook for a further 15 minutes until the cauliflower is cooked and collapsing. Season with salt and white pepper. If the cauliflower has taken on a greyish muddy pink colour, don t worry, once liquidized the purée will whiten.
3. Blitz the cauliflower in a liquidiser, adding a spoonful at a time and loosening with the milk in which it was cooked. With continual liquidising, a very soft smooth finish will be achieved. If using a food processor, the purée may well need to be pushed through a sieve for a completely smooth finish.
4. Seasoning can now be added, and a squeeze of lemon juice as an optional extra. This purée will eat at its best if served warm.

To make the herb dressing:
1. Reserve a level tsp of each herb to garnish the peas. Place all of the remaining chopped herbs in a liquidiser.
2. Heat the olive and groundnut oils together in a small saucepan until just warm. Pour on top of the herbs and liquidise to a smooth purée.
2. Strain the oil through a sieve. Kept refrigerated, the oil will last for up to two weeks.
3. To cook the fresh peas in advance, plunge them into boiling salted water and cook until tender. Drain and refresh in iced water before redraining. To reheat, the peas can either be microwaved or plunged back into boiling water for a minute.
4. Cut the sea trout fillet into four equal portions, checking the flesh has been pin-boned. Now score the skin side with a sharp knife, cutting just 2-3 lengths. Season the flesh side of the fillets with salt and pepper and the skin side with salt only. Lightly dust the skin side with flour.
5. Heat a frying pan and add the olive oil. Once bubbling, place the fillets in, skin-side down, making sure the fish is left alone and not moved. Cook for 4-5 minutes (6 minutes maximum), then add the knob of butter. Turn the fish and remove the pan from the heat. The residual heat of the pan will finish the cooking process without overcooking the fish.
6. Warm the peas, then add them to just 60-90ml/4-6 tbsp of the fresh herb oil. Add the reserved chopped herbs and juice from the half lime. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.
7. Spoon the warm cauliflower purée into the centre of plates or bowls. Sit the sea trout on top of the cauliflower cream and serve.