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Hey did you see this story on KSL... [url ""][/url]

Got to say I like the changes they proposed... Only thing I'd like better is if they dropped the crappie limit on Cutler as well... but guess I'll try for that another year... Kind of wished they would have put a big fish limit on the cats out of cutler as well, like one over 24 out of the 4 fish you can keep... but we'll see what this will do for us... Should be good with the big class of small fish on the way, we should see good things in the future... Sweet thanks guys... J
I also saw this article. Makes some of the rules (use of corn, possession limit) the same on FG and Strawberry as the rest of the state - good call.

Only thing I wish they would still change is the "no fillet" rule for kokanee on Strawberry.
tks for info and link....those sound pretty good, but I don't like the idea of using corn....I never have, but I'm sure it a buddy that used to fish Strawberry (60's and 70's) and they used corn for the rainbows - lots of it....he said they used to "plant the garden" with corn, out of a boat, then proceed to catch all they this what we really want?
Got to say I like that possession limit on the gorge, it makes it so you can make a weekend out of a gorge trip and keep a few. Makes the drive more worthwhile to me. I don't keep most fish but I do like salmon so this is a good change to me as well. J
I'm sure there's some that will be foolish, but let's hope the undercover fish cops correct their ways. To me I don't really like using corn and have yet to catch a fish on it on Cutler. So I don't think this will do anything to help me out but I know a lot of folks like it. Hope too many don't abuse it. Guess we'll have to wait and see on that one. Later J
I don't mind the limit change on flaming gorge, but do fear it will hurt trophy lake trout. I wish they would just change it to be catch and release over 28 inches. Hopefully people will catch and release those monsters voluntarily, so our children can experience the joys of catching big fish. [fishon]
Good call for the Gorge I think other than 1 over 28".
Terrible call for the Berry. My opinion is it opens it up for more of the keeping slot cuts we see people with at the cleaning stations.
I emailed Advisory Council members with my opinions on this. I think if any others have concerns now would be a good time to be heard.
[quote muirco]I don't mind the limit change on flaming gorge, but do fear it will hurt trophy lake trout. I wish they would just change it to be catch and release over 28 inches. Hopefully people will catch and release those monsters voluntarily, so our children can experience the joys of catching big fish. [Image: fish-on.gif][/quote]

How will being allowed to keep more pups hurt the fishery? You can still only keep one big laker. Even with the current 8 trout limit it's hard enough to get people to keep them.
I have no problem with more pups. Didn't it allow 2 limits? I will reread the article. I was under the impression that would allow people to keep 2 over 28 inches because one limit let's you keep 1 over 28 inches. Personally I don't think people should keep any over 28 inches. [fishon]
Yep, I read it right. Sad day in my opinion! I see people pulling out 20+ year old Lakers and keeping their 1. Now it will become 2 because of the being able to keep 2 limits. I wish people would keep all the pups if they want meat and let go the trophy Lakers for others to have a chance to see. A picture lasts a lifetime, so no need to kill the monster. Let others have the same experience once day. [fishon]
For me I was just excited about the Koke two day limit. One day of trout would be more than enough for me, but I don't keep many anyway. Later J
I don't fish the Berry often enough to see those problems, but if they mistake cuts for Kokes I can see what you're saying. That's too bad. Later J
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I'm pretty sure it isn't mistaking cuts for kokanee, but rather mistaking cuts for rainbows. There is no slot limit for rainbows. But, there is this restriction for Strawberry:[/#800000][/font]
Quote:[font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2][font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2]Any trout with cutthroat characteristics (not necessarily jaw slashing) is considered to be a cutthroat trout. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Bear Lake cutthroat trout on page 50.)[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]And folks are keeping fish in the slot that have cutthroat markings - which is illegal. You see it every day at the cleaning station and people will swear it is a rainbow.[/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]As to the Lake Trout in FG, I'm siding with the fish management folks in both WY and UT. They have determined that keeping 1 fish per day over 28" will NOT have an overall detrimental impact on the fishery. What IS hurting the resource is people refusing to keep the smaller fish when caught. That's why the limit has been raised to 12 per day starting next year. I don't know if WY is doing likewise, but assume they will. I'll be doing my part to fill that limit as smoked and pressure canned lake trout is absolutely delicious. [Smile] [/#800000][/font]
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Oh I'll bet you are correct, I didn't think about the bows. People need to fish more so they can tell the difference, it's not that hard. However, sometimes you get some funky markings. Later J
I believe a whole lot of people CLAIM to have caught rainbows, when they KNOW they've got cutthroats.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
If people can't tell the difference between a trout and a kokanee they shouldn't be out on the lake fishing in the first place.[mad]
You're probably right, some just don't care and have to take fish home whether they use them or not. I hope it's not the case, but I'm sure you're right in some cases. Later J
I will agree to disagree on the trophy lake trout topic. 10 years ago you saw allot more big ones. One day a 20 lbs laker will be a monster at this lake instead of a possible 50 lbs one. Just because DNR has a regulation, doesn't mean it doesn't have some negative effects. I appreciate everything they do, but still think it is a Sad day for trophy Lakers. Hopefully people keep all the pups and release the monsters on their own.
[quote muirco]I will agree to disagree on the trophy lake trout topic. 10 years ago you saw allot more big ones. One day a 20 lbs laker will be a monster at this lake instead of a possible 50 lbs one. Just because DNR has a regulation, doesn't mean it doesn't have some negative effects. I appreciate everything they do, but still think it is a Sad day for trophy Lakers. Hopefully people keep all the pups and release the monsters on their own.[/quote]

Yeah, I don't get keeping the big ones, very few taxidermists can get the color right on skin mounts anyway. I would rather have a nice digital picture framed on the wall or a replica made. I only keep the fish I plan to eat, and even the 6-8 pounders start to get mushy/fatty and won't keep those anymore, give me a limit of 2-4 pounders any day!
[quote fish_hntr]I only keep the fish I plan to eat, and even the 6-8 pounders start to get mushy/fatty and won't keep those anymore, give me a limit of 2-4 pounders any day![/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]This recipe works for ANY size Lake Trout and is absolutely delicious. It's called an[/#800000][/font] [url ""]Upper Great Lakes Fish Boil: A Tasty Tradition[/url]. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I've done this recipe with Lake Trout from Lake Michigan that were over 20 pounds and it was easily some of the best tasting fish I've ever eaten. I would encourage all y'all to keep what the law allows under the 28" length restriction and try the fish boil on the bigger fish. Fillet, skin, and chunk them and then use them in this recipe. You will NOT be disappointed. The smaller ones are great smoked, pressure canned, or cooked on the grill. We are very fond of fillets wrapped in aluminum foil with butter, onions, and lemon/pepper seasoning to taste and cooked for about 10 to 12 minutes on a hot grill or 15 minutes in a 350 degree oven.[/#800000][/font]