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This is for the Gorge experts on here. I'm thinking of planning a weekend kayak fishing trip in a couple of weeks. I've fished sheep creek several times out of my kayak but wanted to explore some new areas. I was leaning towards Linwood bay or swim beach area. One of my questions is about wind conditions, I am well aware of the wind that kicks up in the afternoons but is one area better than the other? Meaning does Linwood bay have more areas to seek cover than swim beach or is it the other way around? Second question, what is the shore access like in Linwood? From looking at my map and google earth it appears that finch draw mike be a good place to access the shoreline, are there better areas? Last question can I get the Wyoming stamp in Manilla and where? Thanks in advance for the help.
[quote swiftra]This is for the Gorge experts on here. I'm thinking of planning a weekend kayak fishing trip in a couple of weeks. I've fished sheep creek several times out of my kayak but wanted to explore some new areas. I was leaning towards Linwood bay or swim beach area. One of my questions is about wind conditions, I am well aware of the wind that kicks up in the afternoons but is one area better than the other? Meaning does Linwood bay have more areas to seek cover than swim beach or is it the other way around? Second question, what is the shore access like in Linwood? From looking at my map and google earth it appears that finch draw mike be a good place to access the shoreline, are there better areas? Last question can I get the Wyoming stamp in Manilla and where? Thanks in advance for the help.[/quote]

Both have decent shore access, when I met my brother and his kids up there in June they brought their kayaks with them and went all over the place. The stamp can be had online, most stores in Manila, or just buy it at the Lucerne marina store.
Check out Anvil Draw, better shore lines. Great kayaking and fishing. Lots of coves and islands.
What kind of fishing are you doing? Casting and fishing around shorelines, or jigging/trolling in open water? What species are you targeting? Those questions will help dictate where you should be. The whole shoreline area of Linwood and Swim Beach has good and easy access. Drive right to several "put-ins" at both. Those areas of the lake are wide open for the most part. One cove in Linwood, and none in Swim Beach. As was mentioned, the Anvil area has more coves and "character" to the shoreline with islands and more places to find shelter from the wind. That would be my pick for shoreline fishing. If you want to locate and jig for macks in open water, paddle out, do your thing, and paddle off as soon as the wind starts up. Don't wait. Linwood will be where its at for jigging lakers in a couple weeks.

Licenses: On-line. Maverick in Mt. View, WY on your way in. Flaming Gorge Market in Manila (not early or late though). The marina store is hit and miss, I wouldn't trust it to be open when you want.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess including the species I'm after would be nice also. We had planned on trolling and jigging for macs early in the day before the wind picks and then sticking close to the shoreline and fishing for small mouth in the afternoons. Macs would be the main focus since it's a riot pulling in a 10lb fish on a kayak I can only imagine what a big old 20 or 30lb mac would be like and I would like to experience it.