Can anyone help me find a good spot to bow fish north of salt lake city, I don't have a boat and cant seem to find any at the diversion dams on the bear. never been out at Farmington bay. if there was water out there. I got kicked out of ogden bay, ( no wepons until the 6th). I just want to shoot carp with my bow.
I used to shoot a lot of carp at Pineview.
Cutler Marsh should also be pretty good.
Please kill them all to make room for a less destructive specie.
[#0000FF]Welcome to the forum.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]As you probably realize, this is not the best time to find lots of carp in shallow water...for shooting with a bow. The spring fling...while when they frolic by the thousands along the shoreline.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]But, if you are in the right place at the right time you can still find a few shootable carp. Unfortunately, unless you are afloat, you probably won't see many carp close to the surface. However, on Willard Bay, on calm mornings, you can often see singles and groups of carps slurping midges and other food goodies off the surface until the sun hits the water and/or until a breeze creates a chop that sends them deeper.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Motor vehicles are not allowed on the dikes at Willard Bay. But if you have a gravel-worthy bike you can ride along the road at the top of the dike and watch for potential targets in close to the rocks. Some carp do cruise next to the dikes almost all the time. And if the water is clear enough you can spot them even a few feet deep from a high vantage point.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]After the first of October, and the opening of waterfowl season, Farmington Bay Bird Refuge opens up the road that runs to the the air boat launch area. There is a small drainage canal there that dumps water from the ponds into Salt Lake marsh. There are often big carp in there but the water can be murky and covered with duckweed. You sometimes have to guesstimate where to shoot to hit fish that are making waves or shaking stickups below the surface. However, if you stand quietly in the right place the cruisers will sometimes sneak in close to the surface and present a good shot.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]There is also a peripheral canal running around the outside of the dike at Willard in several areas. It is shallow but does often have carp cruising around in it. Some days are better than others. Worth adding to your search. One good place to start is where 1500 W. ends at the north...right at the canal and where a little bridge goes across for dike access. See attached map.
[#0000FF]Starting about mid April, you will have your choice of many spots with frolicking carp. But for now you have to be diligent and lucky to find shootable fish.[/#0000FF]