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Full Version: Mammoth & Cleveland - As low as I've seen them
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I fished Mammoth this morning from 7:30 until 12:00 in my tube. I launched near the middle of the reservoir and fished mostly in water 10' - 15' deep. By the way, 15' was the deepest water I fished over but I didn't go down next to the dam, it could be a little deeper down there.

I used a medium sinking line with a size 6 bead head black/orange/pearl crystal bugger and a size 8 bead head tan tinsel soft hackle fly. I picked up a few tigers, all between 14" - 18" long.

The water level is at the conservation pool, about 17% full. The good news is the water has been shutoff for the year. The water temperature was 57-58 degrees and the visibility in the water of about 4'-5'.

It is a long walk down to the water to launch and then you have negotiate the weeds and the black slimy mud. I'm sure folks could get some good videos of a launch gone bad in that stuff.[Wink]

There were two guys with pontoons that braved the goo without any problems.

The wind came up so I got out and headed over to Cleveland since it is a little more protected from the wind.

I launched at Cleveland on the north side about 12:30 and fished until 3:00. It wasn't near as bad to launch here. I used the same medium sinking line with a size 8 bead head black/orange woolly bugger. I picked up all rainbows between 13" - 18" long.

The water temperature was 58 degrees and the visibility in the water of about 5'. The reservoir level is at 20% full and the outlet has also been shut off here.

There were a couple of beavers that just hung out near the inlet stream for more than an hour, cool.

It was a fun day even with the wind.[:/]
The low water is tough on the beavers. It's a long waddle to the food supply leaving them exposed to predators. They may have stashed a food cache closer to the water. They will have to keep an eye out for the coyotes, cougar and maybe even the local bobcats.

I agree with your assessment. I don't think I can remember lower water up there in my time.

When I was a teenager (been several moons), I fished Cleveland, by the dam, and the reservoir did not reach the dam. There was a pool of water and a small stream of water, for at least 50 feet, from the pool of water to the outlet at the base of the dam. Is is that low now?
[quote kentofnsl]When I was a teenager (been several moons), I fished Cleveland, by the dam, and the reservoir did not reach the dam. There was a pool of water and a small stream of water, for at least 50 feet, from the pool of water to the outlet at the base of the dam. Is is that low now?[/quote]

No, it's not that low.

The good news is the water is shut off so the level should come up a little before it freezes over.
Cleveland / huntington / millers flat / and Rolfson wer all put in for farm irrigation. In my youth... Huntington and Rolfson were always drained dry , then water from millers flat and Cleveland. (prior to electric lake) They were always drained quite low, depending on drought conditions ect.. But in more recent years and irrigation methods (sprinkler vs flood irrigation) they seem to last longer most years. That low level of water used to be more the norm prior to the mid 70's.
This years extra low water is totally due to extreme drought conditions. Lets hope we get some serious moisture this winter or we may be hunting rabbits in those lake beds instead of fishing
I remember when I moved down here in the 80's I told some guys at work that I had gone to Huntington Reservoir over the weekend to fish and never got a bite. The guys in shop looked at each other and laughed. They then told me that the reservoir was drained every year and there were no fish in it.

It's nice that at least one of the reservoirs on Manti has a conservation pool. It looks to me like Cleveland should be okay to carry fish over.[Smile]

I haven't been over to Miller Flat to see how low it is but the level indicator stopped going down about a month ago and they didn't stop taking the water out until September 12th.

Your right, if we don't get a real good winter we will have to find another sport.[:/]