how far is bird lake from the shore ? never been there might take a walk out there if is not to far and i can find another crazy fisherman to join me
it is way to far to walk, but with a atv or snow machine it would be ok, talked to a guy this week that had been out he said that they did not see anything, but it would be worth a try if you had a snow machine. there is a lot of ice so that would not be a worry
I would guestimate it is about 2 miles one way. I could be off a few blocks.
well give our take a few blocks thats to far for me to walk draging a sled thanks for the info kent
I did some measurements on a topo map . It is about 2 miles from Lincoln point .
My mother and father used to talk about people driving across Utah Lake, from Lincoln Beach to the Provo Boat Harbor, when Utah Lake would freeze. Bird Island is on the way, so you might as well drive out there! Then again, if you happen to get stuck out there good luck on getting AAA to send out a tow truck to help you out.
Yea it's just over two miles almost due north and just a little east.
Aquaman-I think it was 2.5-3 mlies from the boat harbor on my GPS the last time I took my boat out there.[crazy]