Fishing Forum

Full Version: fishing freak, Chickamauga Lake, Bass, 10/7/18, 10/12/18 and 10/13/18
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Headed down for a couple days to the Chick for our club classic on 10/13. I was hopeful of a great frog bite and a shot at beating my Spring personal best on the Chick of 8lb 3oz. I had drove down and fished on Sunday 10/7 and caught 7 with 2 on a frog and rest punching mats. Upon returning on 10/12 for a practice day, I found the water had came up and covered a lot mats that I had fished on Sunday. We covered a lot of water from Dayton to below Harrison Bay and caught 3 fish, 1 on frog, 1 punching and 1 on topwater and we had around 15 blowups in mats but fish not very aggressive on frog. On 10/13, we decided to start in Harrison Bay area in some grass mats and had a rough time with wind. In our first area, we managed about 6 blowups and connected on one around 3lbs. Moved to the next area and had a couple blowups on frog but the fish were just hitting around the frog but not touching it. I saw some activity in the mat near the boat and cast past that area and had a huge bass come out of the water and hit my frog and took it down. I called for the net and wrestled the fish and large clump of grass to the boat and my partner netted a large patch of grass. After digging out the grass from the net, I discovered I had caught Big Mama. I put it in the livewell and continued fishing. We continued throwing the frog for the biggest part of the day but only blowups and no fish to show for it. My partner threw a whopper plopper beside an isolated grass patch and hooked up one around 4lbs and it pulled off before it got in net range. We fished hard but no more fish for the rest of the day to end the day with only 2 fish. We returned to weigh in with 2 fish and figuring we had a good shot at maybe getting big fish and hopeful of placing. When we got in, everyone was saying how tough it had been. We were one of the first boats to weigh and we had over 11 1/2 lbs with 2 fish. My big fish weighed 8.86 lbs. Surprisingly, this held up to take first place and big fish. The 8.86 lb fish was also my new personal best, beating my big one I had in March 2018 on the Chick. Overall it was a tough couple days of fishing, but still had a great time on the Chick and catching my personal best and a win in the Club classic.