Hey there guys,
Our good buddy releaseit was kind enough to let us know about a blow out sale of rods and reels starting today and lasting until the 25th at Turner's.
Thank you releaseit, you're always lookin' out fer us and your contributions are most appreciated.
To access the the sale flyer, Click on: [url "http://turners.com/engage/displayads.php"]Sale Ad[/url]
I picked up two $70 Okuma Premier Baitcastin Rods for 19.99 each. What a sweet deal! Can't beat that with an Ugly Stick.[



OOOOPS!! It looks like you forgot to sign in. It's easier when we know who you are.
I have a Pac Bay rod also. I believe it is the medium one. I love it so much. It also handles some good size fish.
Hi there,
Give us an indpendent report, if you have time, so everyone will read your thread/post/report.