Hey Chester how did you do in Wyoming last weekend?
I'm the guy you talked to at Jordanelle a couple of weeks ago. I finally registered.
Hey Fish4Sport! Welcome aboard! Good to hear from you!
Yes, we went to Wyoming last weekend. Wasn't as good as I had hoped, but we still had some fun. Started out Saturday with a little rabbit hunting. My son wanted to hunt some cottontails before we got into fishing. We hunted rabbits in the morning south of LaBarge. Got a few rabbits, but the snow was deep and hard to walk through. (kids walked on top of the crust, I had to walk through the drifts) Lots more snow than they have had in quite a while. There were about 20 elk by the side of the lake where Fontenelle Creek meets the lake. There were another small herd on the end of the lake near the cliffs. I don't ever remember elk down that low before. Fun to see. About noon we headed down to Fontenelle dam to fish. Four groups fishing. We fished by the cliffs on the west side of the dam in about 70-80 feet of water. Ice was about 25-30 inches thick. We used everything we had and didn't get a bite. Didn't show any fish on the Vex either. A group of about 20 boy scouts from Star Valley were fishing there also. They didn't get any bites either. I dropped the Vex down their holes and couldn't find anything either. Just didn't appear to be any fish in the area. Then my son got sick so we headed back to Kemmerer for the night.
Sunday my son was still sick so I got up and drove up to Viva Naughton to see what I could find. Got there about 9:00. Very few people on the ice. Talked to a local and she said it had been slow all year. About 7 groups fishing. I fished by the face of the dam in about 20 feet of water. Ice was 25-30 inches. Had one fish take a look at my jig, but I jigged and scared it away. Oh well. Moved across the bay to the other shore. Fished about 50 yards out in 18 feet of water. Caught two 18" rainbows on a what-a-cricket. Really fat, and the best fighters I have had all year. Had three others on , but lost them. Caught one 8 inch chub. Left about 3:00.
Monday my son was still sick and I didnt have a lot of time, so I just took a ride up to Viva Naughton to see what was going on. Not a soul on the ice. They are having an fishing derby there on the 28&29. Can't decided if we are going or not. Not alot of action, but still a fun trip.