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I used to tease my dad when he would ask me, as a teenager, to tie on his hooks, because he had a hard time seeing them, it isn't as funny any longer. I only need to wear glasses to read or use my computer, but I still struggle a little in tieing on hooks, even while wearing my prescription glasses. This morning, while I was being fitted for a new pair of prescription glasses, I asked the optometrist if it would be ok if I purchased some reading glasses from the grocery story to use while tieing on my hooks. He said that would work just fine to use them for short periods of time, and said that the stronger they were, the closer I would be able to see. I went by Smith's and purchased the reading glasses with a 3.25 magnification. I am looking forward to giving them a try (won't have to wait long -- fishing Flaming Gorge Friday and Saturday), and it sure will be a lot cheaper ($19.99) than losing another lense out of my prescription glasses (which I did recently down my ice hole at Strawberry -- thank goodness it was my glasses of one generation back).