Got off the Phone with James Morgan a few minutes ago and I have some news for those of you that fish there. There were several things we talked about but the biggest IMO is that the North marine gate will now be close until next Spring. They have installed a new gate that just went up this afternoon that limits entrance to the park. From now on, you will need to push a button and select reentrance and scan your State Parks pass or use a credit card to pay for your entrance fee to get in the gate. No more just driving through the gate, as it has always been. This only applies to the North marina for now but it will likely be like that at the South marina too after this Winter.
We also talked about using ATV's to access the ice during Winter but nothing has changed there, we will only be able to access the ice with ATV's from the boat ramp. As many of you know, there is a spring in the channel going out of the harbor and it makes it unsafe to access the ice, because of this, except for our coldest Winter, when the ice freezes thick in that area.
Last thing and IMO it does not affect most fisherfolks, they are going to close the Camp ground in the South marina during the Winter.
Hope this info helps you the rest of the Fall, this Winter and Spring, until they have people at the gates again.
Thanks Curt that’s great to know. So if you access the ice at the boat ramp can you swing up on the bank and go around the spring? Just wondering cause a machine would sure help you reach some better spots. Later J
One question that comes to mind is now that the gates are being automated can you enter at any time odf the day or are we still going to have to wait for the park to open at a certain time?
No, that is the reason you can't use the shore and drive down onto the ice from there, no ATV's are allowed on the dirt or sand anywhere in the Park. I know, it seems kind of silly, we can ride ATV's on dirt roads just about anywhere but they feel that a drop of oil might drip out of an ATV's and contaminate the ground, at least that is how it was explained to me. Other parks allow them but not Willard, so unless you want to go through legal channels, to get it changed, that the rule we are going to have to live with, at least at Willard.
James did not give me any time as to when you can go into the park, so I guess we will have to test it to find out. I don't see why not but it is possible that you won't be able to get in until the 6am time that they have always had.
Sorry but that seems really stupid, let’s keep them on the ice so they sink a wheeler in the pond rather than letting them hit the shore for twenty feet. I know you have nothing to do with it but I had to vent my frustration with stupidity. Later J
[#0000FF]How soon is the park closure going into effect? If they do it now that will mess up the guy who has the Christmas light show in the campground.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]It will also mess up my annual assault on the late biting denizens around the north marina. I usually keep hitting it until I need an ice auger to launch my tube.
It started yesterday, right after we left, they were putting it up as Ira and I were driving out. Don't think it will affect you any, because all you have to do is have the new machine scan your State Parks pass to get in. As far as the Christmas lights thing they do there, it will work the same, they will just have to pay a fee with a credit card to gain access. When you go in, drive through the far right lane, that is where the scanning machine is located.
I agree Jeff and I have voiced my feeling several time to James about this rule but it is what it is. What gets me is why the rule is different at each state park, it just does not make any sense to me. The reason I even brought it up to him was because the last two weeks I've been out there I've seen a guy driving what I thought was a ATV on the shore there. When I brought it up to James, he claims it was a golf cart and said it was a camp ground host, he said he has told him several times not to do it because it was against the rules but the camp ground host continues to do it.[crazy]
[quote wiperhunter2]. From now on, you will need to push a button and select reentrance and scan your State Parks pass or use a credit card to pay for your entrance fee to get in the gate.[/quote]
Does the State Parks pass have a scan code? I have the Utah State Parks Special Fun Tag which this pass is no longer available to get but has to be honored to those who have them. There is no scan code on it but has a 4 digit permit number. Can the fun tag permit number be used at the scanner or is this a way to eliminate the fun tag use and start charging for either an annual parks pass or pay at the gate? I'm assuming since this is state regulated that eventually all parks will go to this system. For now Willard might be test grounds unless its already in place else where I'm not familiar with.
Good question Rodger but one I can't answer, if you like you can call James and talk to him about it, his number is 435-230-0050.
I believe that your fun tag has a bar code on the back. I have been advocating that the Parks people do this for over 15 years to allow fisherman to get on the water before 6AM. Glad to see that they are going to finally do it. Again check your fun tag on the bottom and the back for the bar code !!
[quote Therapist]I believe that your fun tag has a bar code on the back. I have been advocating that the Parks people do this for over 15 years to allow fisherman to get on the water before 6AM. Glad to see that they are going to finally do it. Again check your fun tag on the bottom and the back for the bar code !![/quote]
This is why I asked the question, I have a 4 digit permit number and no scan code or in this case a bar code. The bar code was the first thing I was hoping to see and only saw the permit number.
We also have the special fun Pass (red in color) we got as we qualified as disabled veterans. No bar code only 5 digit number that begins with zero. For example 01234.
So try entering the number on the tag into the pad and see if that works. My current tag is expired and so I have to get a new one. Need to do it ASAP too !! Let us all know what you learn !!
Haha I thought the same thing so drove out to Willard entered my 5 digit number beginning with zero....guess what no workee. So makes me wonder if they thought about special Fun Pass Tags folks like me have received.
HAHA Looks like we're all suckers. I took the trip out there too to see if my fun tag will work, not this day. Who would've thunk this process out? I did notice that the exit is not blocked coming out of the park, where there's a will there's a way. [bobwhistle]
Lol said the same thing on exit. We just got another boat and need to break in motors. So will make a few trips soon and display fun pass and see what happens.
There wasn’t any option that I noted to type in fun pass numbers only options as I recall were day pass, camping and senior. I selected day pass when that came up said scan pass or insert credit card. I tried doing the key pad with my pass 5 digit code as you experienced no workee.
They probably got a tire spike strip in the works to lay down at the exits. This is more than likely included within the funding budget. The pay to play honor system is going away for some.
Oh well I qualified for the fun pass tag as a Disabled Vet when I retired from the military. I have used that pass every year including this year at Willard never an issue.
I do know the state discontinued this pass and if it was lost you couldn’t get another. I was also told the pass would still be honored. I know other veterans who are disabled that also applied and received this pass. As I see it the pass should be honored for those who currently have it. I was never contacted by the state saying my pass was no longer valid.
But we shall see and I’m not holding my breath however I will be making phone calls also.