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Full Version: Clifton Urethane Adhesive
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Hate to see this forum be so inactive, so here's a post. After about 5 years of use, the foot rest bar of my Renegade came off when I was fishing. Bummer! Tough on the back when rowing with one's feet in the water. And the rowing speed with no foot bar is too slow to effectively troll lures.

After getting home, I re-glued the d ring with Clifton Urethane Adhesive. It's the second time I've used this product. It's great stuff. I highly recommend it if you need to glue a urethane product.

Best of fishing luck to all of you out there.
[#0000FF]Thanks for posting on our seasonally inactive board. Thanks also for a good product review.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]One of the things to know about using this product, or any similar product, is to be sure to follow the directions on prepping before attaching anything to your craft. Be sure the surface has been properly buffed and cleaned (with the right chemicals) before applying the glue. And after application you need to press firmly and roll it down to remove all bubbles and insure a good tight connection. Finally, allow the proper time for the bond to cure before hitting the water and putting any strain on the new attachment.
Yes, thanks for your post. I tried to be careful on the preparation. And you are correct; a lot of strain gets put on this bar whenever I row.