I saw on another site today a question about using a fish finder. Is it cheating to use one? This is a good question in that there will be opinions for both sides of the argument. With new electronic products coming out every year,when will fishing become a science and no longer a sport? I will cast my vote now and say that it is not cheating in my opinion. My Fishin' Buddy lies to me about where the fish are any way. I like to use it to find structure and depth more than to locate fish . So what is your opinion? Cheating or Not!!!! DKS
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Bottom line, good sonar is only another tool in your aresenal and will never make the fish bite. Anyone who says it's cheating has no clue to what sonar is about.[/size][/font]
i would have to say that it isnt cheating, just another tool to irratate the fisher people that know there are fish there they just cant entice them to bite.
All you have to do is go fishing with one once and see fish but not catch them to know it's not cheating. That's damn frustrating.
It's only cheating if you use someone else's fishfinder while he's at work.
No, not cheating, just more information to fog your mind while your trying to figure what the fish have been eating all week in four hours on saturday while your family waits impatienly for the results.

]no it's not cheating it is a very important tool that when used right can help you catch more fish and find different structure. i have an eagle ultra plus III fish finder for fishing shallow to deep water.
I vote no, not cheating.
Fish finders cheating? Not hardly. Was it cheating when the early man started using a bone fishhook instead of using his hands? How about with the development of the rod & reel over the hand line? Fish finders are just part of the natural evolution of fishing equipment. Just because you can now know when the fish are in the neighborhood does nothing to get the fish to bite.[:/]
I don't think that using a fishfinder is cheating. It can tell you where the fish are but it doesn't make them bite.
Not cheating. It just shows you where they are. It doesn't catch them.
I don't think it's cheating. I don't see the point in fishing where the fish aren't. Is the old time looking glass or diving mask cheating. Just kind of looking around down there. I think it's like saying binoculars are cheating when hunting. It's just improving your vision, sort of.
I also think that fishing has always been a science. The science of matching the hatch or imitating the natural bait fish. The science of presenting your lure or bait just so, at the right depth or water temp, or time of year for the spawn. Just mho.
Using fish finders is not cheating! They don't make the fish bite, and I sure hate to waste my time fishing where there aren't any fish.
Ok, I will offer the differing perspective for fun. Its cheating. And i am a big huge cheater, and I love it.
I cheat with fishfinders, smelly jelly, worms, and anything else I can.
On the post about Vexilar vs. LCD Chester made a post about a guy he pissed off because he caught fish out of this guys hole. It sounds like this pissed off guy may be the one that asked the question on the other site. Thanks to Chester we now have a can of worms stirred up. I think it's funny that Chester was able to pull fish out of this other guy's hole with the help of a fish finder.
I don't have much experience using a fish finder and once I get a chance to learn how to use mine I can't wait to catch more fish. For the amount of fish that get released after they are caught who cares if it is cheating or not. It's not like it's breaking a law and we are not winning more money than somebody else since we are not tournament fishing most of the time. If it can help us catch more fish then great. No blood, no foul and if other people don't like it they are just jealous and maybe they should get one for themself.
I was once told that if you are not cheating you are not trying. To the purist this would be cheating and so be it. As for me,any device or method that helps me to catch more fish and is not illegal is acceptable. The only problem is that I can't afford very many of these toys.[Like a fishing boat] so for those of you with all the toys, I think that you are cheating!!! DKS
Probably not cheating, but I think that they do take some of the sportsmanship away. Not as much as using a casting net, but still it makes me wonder what is next.
i agree that it is irritating beyond a doubt....
I want to go on record that I have never had a chub or red shiner complain about being caught in my casting net!
Right on,[cool] my sentiments exactly.