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Full Version: jighead storage idea - on and off the water
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My most used lures are soft plastics rigged on unpainted ballhead jigs. Since the lures very in length, different size hooks and different weight jigs that take those hooks must be stored separately. Here is an idea for storing jigs in the house:

I use zip lock bags - snack size for smaller jigs and lunch bag size for larger ones. Foam used in boxes for transporting electronic equipment I cut into blocks and stick hook points into them.

[Image: 3F610Ba.jpg]

[Image: 6BnWDWb.jpg]

I the outside of the bag I label weight and hook size, punch a hole in the top of the bag and store on a peg board with hangers.

The same foam is used in storage boxes I take fishing except I put slits in it for the hooks, keeping weight/hook size separate.

[Image: NGvDxoF.jpg]

lid marked with wt. and hook size under it.
[Image: aKciPy2.jpg]
Good ideas there, do you buy your storage boxes online or locally? How about your lead for making jigs?
Harbor Freight is local but also on-line. Can't beat the storage for $8.99:
[Image: wfYYxqw.jpg]

I also bought the single column storage box before it was discontinued.

Ebay is the best source for many lures including ball head jigs. Too much bother and expense pouring my own. Ebay is also where I get molds for soft plastic lures.
I never thought about Harbor Freight, I just figured since you pour your own plastics that you also pour your own jig heads. Thanks for the info on HF boxes.
Any time.

Like many bass anglers, I used to carry a lot of tackle on board and maybe use a fraction of it in one year. Downsizing helps decide which essentials to take, filtering out duplicates and rarely used lures.

Concentrating on finding versatile lures is the goal, not fishing fast & furious like I used to in tournament. Now it's just a matter of keeping primary and backup lures stocked after I've lost them to fish or snags.