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Went with friends up north today and it’s been a blast. I was one of the low guys at ten fish. Friend got a beautiful fish next to me see attached. PS it’s Henry’s. Later J
PPS Maniac Cut’r bug
Those are some real chubos; no wonder you're so high on Henry's.

I haven't used the Cut'r bugs much and am not sure if I'm doing it right. Can you enlighten me?
I use the vertigo heads and 1.5” cut’r bug and sweeten it with half a meal worm. Then I’m cheating, got a jigging jaw jacket and it’s jigging for me. Fish it about a foot off bottom and have fun. Good luck Craig. J
NICE CATCH [shocked]
That was Damon’s fish. It would have given you a run for the big fish. Miss you guys this year. J
Thanks. What weight jig goes with that size (I never know if I'm getting a good fit).
Any colors Bugs or jigs work better than others? Thanks so much for your help. I'm still catchinon.
Im using the bigger heads but I’m not sure of weight. Crazy glow orange is my fav. Good luck. J
Nice! We just got back Monday. Fun trip . Lots of fish but my buddy Jason caught this dandy 4.7 pound brook trout. I was jealous and proud at the same time!
I use the VMC 1/16 oz Moneye jigs with the 1.5" Cut'R Bug. Fits perfect.
Wow that’s a beauty of a Brookie. Nice job!!! I just got home after an exhausting trip but it was wonderful. Went back out last night and took day one total to 13. It was cold, windy and snowing so I called it a night around 9. Up at 5:30 and straight to the pond. Today was good to me, I got 15 and two were my best of the trip 23” and 22.5”. They sure look big under the ice as you try to get them up the hole. Neat pond I sure enjoy it. Here pictures of today’s catch. Thought the cutt was sure a pretty fish. Later J
Those are toads!! Good job!!
Thank you, it was sure fun, I really like that lake, but it doesn’t always treat me like it did this time. So I’m going to Smile and enjoy this one for awhile. Thanks J