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Are the white fish we caught on Bear Lake the same species of white fish I used to catch on the Weber River many years ago! Years ago we used to catch hellgremite in the river and use them to catch white fish. It was great fun! Does anyone still do that?
No they are not. The Bear Lake white fish lives only in Bear Lake. The other white fish is the Mountain White fish and is populated throuighout Utah.
Bear Lake actually has two species of whitefish. The Bonneville whitefish and the Bear Lake whitefish. The Bonneville whitefish is by far the largest of the two, and both species only occur in Bear Lake (this is all explained in the current Proclamation).
You're right I forgot about there were two species. Thanks for getting me straighten out.
I caught many white fish at Bear Lake on Monday. Did I catch both species of white fish when I fished with you Kent?
Who knows, per the Proclamation describing the whitefish that are in Bear Lake "These two fish are indistinguishable below 10 inches in length." To compound the problem, I believe 10 inches is probably about as large as tthe Bear Lake whitefish get. BearLakeFishGuy needs to put in his two cents -- this is his world -- I am just winging it.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the Bonneville Cisco is also in the whitefish family, it just has a different name, and it also only occurs in Bear Lake.