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Full Version: Firehole 12-5-18
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Like many others the wife and I took advantage of a day off courtesy of former President Bush to do a little ice fishing. Spent the night at Rock Springs and hit Firehole Ramp in search of a tug. Popped a few holes with the propane powered auger through about 6 inches of ice and went to it. Sat in about 35 feet of water and watched the poles do nothing. After a couple of hours we decided to get closer to shore in about 20 feet of water. Not long after setting up camp we got a nice 17 inch Rainbow on a glow paddlebug. Boy it felt good to pull one through the ice. For the next hour or so it slowed down again then I decided to check the new JawJacker I purchased on black friday. The hole had froze over so I tripped the mechanism and brought up the pink sonic baitfish to check for any missed action. After inspection I dropped it down again and gave it a few jigs and what do you know......another rainbow not quite as big but fun nonetheless. The burbot still elude me but what the heck it gives me an excuse to head back for another try. It was great to get on the ice again to try out the new equipment I had purchased recently. And it was fun to get away with the wife too!!!! [Wink]

Not sure how many Flaming Gorge fishermen are out there but I heard via Outdoors with Adam Eakle that the reciprocal tag for Wyoming was going up to $30 however it is my understanding that you can still purchase the tag for 2019 at $10 before January 1. I know I plan on saving a couple of bucks by getting it early. Kinda perturbed that Wyoming raises their tag and Utah keeps it the same.

Anyway can't wait to hit the ice again soon!!!!
Hey thanks for saving me 20 bucks! I haven't fished there before, but plan to this ice season. I was just going to stop and get one in town when I went.
Wow I totally missed that there was ice on the gorge already. How far south does it go? That’s great news and way to go getting out after them already. Nice job!! Later J
I think they are calendar year related so if you go in December, you’ll need another in January. J
Bummer. I was assuming it was a 365 day deal. Thank you for saving me even more $$
Not quite sure how far south it goes. I hear that the closer you go towards the lake the thinner the ice. I was amazed to see someone had caught a nice burbot and had left it on the ice. I know they are a must kill but I've heard many times that they are good eating. Actually thinking about trying the Burbot Bash but I'd like to catch a couple before I waste the money to enter!
Wyoming reciprocal is calendar related but Alicia has gone online and purchased hers already. Also as she was checking out Facebook on the way up Randy Browning of Flaming Gorge Charters posted about purchasing 2019 tag online before price went up. I'm trying to find online and I'll see if i can post.
Makes it a little more expensive to do a December ice trip if you didn’t already have a permit. I’ll probably wait till January myself. I’m just glad to hear ice there already. Last year the gorge was a couple weeks of ice was about it. Later J
We went the second weekend in nov and caught 61 in 2.5 hrs. Fished a couple hundred yards from Firehole ramp. Fun to catch but the eating soso .
How do you like that Jigging JawJacker? I'm trying to convince Alicia it's worth the money.......Plus a few more regular ones.
WOW! 61 burbot? If you don't mind me asking......what were you using and how deep were you? We were up there on Veteran's Day and caught some fish trolling down to the Confluence and back. Tried for burbot in the evening but had no luck then too.
The jigger worked pretty well at Henry’s, I got several fish on it. A lot more than on my plain JJ’s but this trip they liked the active baits. I’m sold on having at least one. But I loaned it to my buddy so I won’t have it tomorrow so I’ll be missing it. Watch for a sale you can save $10-$20 on them. If they don’t run out anyway. I appreciate the info on those reciprocal tags. That’s good info. Thanks Jeff
Yep wasn't planning on anything til after new years. So all is not lost. Appreciate the heads up
Try glow baits and fish for them at night in the rocky outcrops and you should have some luck.
You wouldn't believe the number of times I've heard that advice, OR the number of times I've followed it to the letter, with zero burbot to show for it.

It's just a case of snake bite, I guess.
As I'm sure you know, the Confluence and deep channels are the last to freeze.

I once reported 16" of ice in a shaded bay, and a member here both doubted my character and veracity, AND accused me of trying to get someone killed.

Well, I personally drilled six holes with a hand auger (and younger shoulders), and it was fully 16" by any way I could measure. But, he was right; I could see vast open water way out, and just hadn't thought to mention that.
I'm in that same boat I guess. Bought Yamamoto grubs sucker meat the whole shebang and NADA! Not that i need an excuse to go fishing but I don't mind trying and trying again. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment.........or I just like to go fishing!
All the more reason to pay attention to the BIG Mac areas and targeting them. There is nothing like a 30lb+ Mac through the ice. Although, those burbot are good eatin!
Glow bait tipped with chub. 20 ft deep right after sunset is best. Did well on the rock ledges..
Those have eluded me too! Been able to catch pups but not the big one. For this Capt Ahab the monster lake trout is my white whale. I've tried trolling for them around Buckboard and trolled and jigged at Linwood Bay but still haven't been able to haul one in. Any advice you'd be willing to share I'm listening. Getting one through the ice would be absolutely AMAZING!!!!