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Full Version: Henrys Lake Idaho 12/8
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I ice fished Henrys Lake today for the first time, what a great fishery. I set up in 8ft of water near the hatchery on 8 inches of ice in a balmy 18 degree air temp, just before sunrise. I hooked up almost immediately on a white paddle bug tipped with a meal worm and juiced up with Mikes Glow Gel in trout flavor. I caught 8 fish total 7 on the paddle bug jigging and 1 on a dead stick with a night crawler on a pink tungsten jig. I also lost a rod down the hole when a fish pulled it out of my rod holder, I just missed grabbing it as it slipped down the hole, getting my arm wet up to my elbow. The bite died around 10 am and we packed it up just before noon.
Nice Job! Thanks for the report.
Nice job, great pond isn’t it? Later J
Looks like a great time, Shawn!
How long is the drive, one way? Must be quite a trip.
Congrats on your catches, and sorry about the lost pole.
I was already up in Idaho Falls at my in laws about 1 hour and 45 minute drive from there it would be about a 4 hour drive from Ogden. I am going to be at my mother in laws from the 22nd through the 1st. And plan on hitting the ice a couple times during that time one of the places is a honey hole with some lunker rainbows about an 1 and 45 minutes north of Ogden in Idaho. PM me if you would like some details about it.
NICE! Thanks for the pics and report Shawn. I am hoping we can get out on the ice together this season sometime.