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Full Version: Last river trip, maybe........
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As I am now off for the holidays, and the weather has been quite nice the past couple days, made a trip up to The Bear River Bird Refuge. The river seems to be higher is some spots and lower in others. Must be the way the irrigation gates are open or closed. Bottom of river at the bridges was ice free, the gate that directs water to the south-west was open partially and there was good flow down that canal. The gate that directs water just about due west past the maintenance building, seemed to be closed and the water on outlet side frozen pretty solid. The last gate that controls the north-west canal was about 25% open, strong flow down that canal for the first 100 yards or so. Very thin skim ice along some edges in shallow or shaded areas or where water isn't flowing.
Dropped a couple lines in at the "No Fishing beyond this point" sign. Enjoyed the beautiful day, no wind, air temp at 37 deg, blue skies, puffy white clouds. No bites.
Moved back upriver a mile or so to a spot near an irrigation gate. Ice at the edges, but ice free on main area of river. Still a beautiful day and temp up to 49.
In total, fished about 4 hours, got not one bite. But enjoyed the time out in the sun. Quit for the day at 2 p.m. air temp at 53 as I drove back out to the I-15.
Thanks for the report and pics Forest, did you happen to see any boats out on the river while you were there?
Curt, didn't see any boats on the river, but there were 2 or 3 duck boat rigs in the bottom parking lot and a couple went past me toward the water fowl loop while I was there. Heard a couple shotguns go off.