Fishing Forum

Full Version: Service clean up @ Utah Lake
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I'm really wanting to get a group of people together to help clean up some excellent fishing areas near Utah lake. I think a small group could make a major dent in an hour or two in a much needed area that has probably never be cleaned. It would be nice to fish this area without seeing garbage in any which place you looked. My nephew is willing to lend a hand and if we could get a dozen people or so it would make it a lot nice. I would provide bags. We are thinking Friday, Saturday or Sunday this week. Hit me up if your willing to lend a hand.
I would be available to help out on Friday but not Sat. or Sunday.
I wish you the best of luck with that. Every time I go to Lincoln Beach I clean up right around where I am fishing but I want to see if we could adopt the area and all work on keeping it clean. Many hands and all that. Having a sign put up that we are in charge of clean-up would keep us motivated to do it, and it would be nice to show that BFT members are out there doing something other than just fishing. Anyone know how we could make that happen?