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Any one give these a try? I bought a package of them I was disappointed at the sharpness of them. Only one in the package would dig in to my fingernail, the cover said laser sharp. Not hardly.
That particular one is a circle hook. They don't need to be at the peak of sharpness to work properly. Those reley more on the pull of the fish to hook himself.

What kind of fishing do you do the most of??? Maybe we can help you find a hook that best suits your needs.


Fresh water, bass and such
I would suggest owner hooks
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These hooks stay sharp and work in freshwater and saltwater. I tried those " laser sharp " circle hooks for saltwater and had 3 break!

Not the case with owner. There is another brand which is up and coming with an asian name which are also good. There alittle pricer but worth it.

If you watch the bait and tackle stores like Turnersoutdoorsman, Sportmart, Cabela's, etc once in awhile they run really good sales on them. That is when you want to stock up.

Also fishing shows of course. Fred Hall Show is coming in early March. Good time to load up[Wink]


Thanks for the info. I saw them and wanted to give them a try. My main hook i use is Gamakatsu hart to beat the sharpnes of those babes.