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Full Version: BFT slooooooooooow
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[#0000FF]Don't know if it is the cold weather but it seems to take forever for screens to change or replies or messages to go through.
I thought maybe it was my puter, but I guess not.[mad]
[#0000FF]Not your computer. I have a pretty good system and have no problems with any other websites. But I have had a couple of PMs lock up and time out on me today...and functions that normally work quickly on BFT now work very slowly...or not at all.
I have reset my I-phone twice today. Thought my end was the problem. Guess not.
[#0000FF]With some of us it can be a loose nut on the keyboard. But I think you are okay.[/#0000FF]
Possible failover on the servers after the CenturyLink outage yesterday. I am seeing it with a lot of my clients today.
Much better now. Hope it lasts.
I've been gone since early morning, are you still having problems? Everything seems ok now.
Had the same issues earlier but things are running fine now.
Good to hear that things are better, do you use CenturyLink?
I was on my phone this morning. So I wasn't using the wifi at the time.
[#0000FF]Seems to be okay now. I have Centurylink but I had no issues with any other website.