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At rockport with wiperhunter and friend Craig, 9" clear ice where we are fishing slow right now couple of 12" rainbows and 2 perch 10 1/2 biggest.
How deep of water are you fishing?
We are in 20' of water
Good luck, guys!
It has been slow today maybe 18 trout all aboutt 12" and 9 perch and 1 big sucker 21" fish are there but tight lipped.
That's hilarious! I caught a really huge sucker there last time I went, too. Maybe 22".

Ira , what part of the Reservoir are you at?
Right out of third camp area twin cove ended day 24 total trout nine perch

Thanks Buddy.
Thanks for the report. Whatcha catchinon?
Best report ever 9", the dwr says 3 to 6.....
That was on the inlet side of the lake, so it could be thinner by the Dam but we did see snowmobile tracks near the dam.
i was on the south end last week sitting on 6-7 inches of clear ice with 2-3 inches of snow on top. I fished rockport for the first time on the 16th of december and was on 4.5".