Can anyone recommend any lakes in the mountains surrounding Salt Lake City that are frozen over?
New to the area and Looking for a couple good, remote spots.
Hey welcome to BFT, glad to have you join us... I'm from a little further north, so I'll allow those closer to you to recommend a location around SLC... If you're looking for remote locations it may require snowmobile, snowshoes or cross country skis this time of year... Most of the other lakes may have a little more company than you're used to in the summer. I hear Echo is a bit of a city lately but it's not too far out of SLC and would provide Trout, perch and crappie I think... I haven't ever fished it so I'm not a good reference, but there are a lot of posts on here that could give you some pointers.... I'm not sure of the ice conditions on the other ponds around you so I'll quit at that... Welcome and hope you enjoy BFT... Later J
No such thing as "remote" in Utah if there is a road. A few out of the way spots, though, like Birch Creek or Blue Lake exist. Those are long drives from the Valley, though. But, about any mountain lakes will have some trout, and there are lots of them that are only a short hike. May need skis or snowshoes, though, ion places you cant take a machine.
DWR has some resources on their website, wildlife.utah.gov, that points Google map arrows at all the smaller mountain lakes all over the state, and would be good for finding Wasatch Front and local canyon lakes.
Your best bet for close by in the mountains is Tibble Fork up American Fork Canyon. There was a resent report on here: you could do a search. You could also look over my "NEWEST Fishable ice" list to get some idea of the lakes that are out there, then do some web searching. Here's a place to start:
Yes, welcome to BFT; you'll find some great people on here. And if you ask real nice you just might find someone who will take you out to some of those lakes to help you get to know the area. Heaven knows there's plenty to go around. [

They are not remote and you will have a few new friends join you on the ice but Rockport, Echo Tibblefork and pineview are all reasonable distance. They are all are mountain settings and all can produce good fishing. Depends a lot on what you would like to catch.
Utah Lake is close and Strawberry is about 1 hour and 15 minutes away. If you can fish during the week I am often looking for folks to fish with. If interested, click on my name and send me a PM.