I thought night fishing was off limits at cemetery point? The signs say closed from 10pm to 6am. Anyone care to share something I don't know???
Man! Thank you for that reply. You can be my lawyer anytime. I couldn't agree more with everything you wrote and I'm glad you piped up because I was about to reply and I know I wouldn't have said it as well as you just did. Nice job.
What are you using to catch perch? Jig size, color, lures, or wax worms. I usually use 1/64 oz yellow jig with wax worms but I didn't have much luck this last outing to rockport. Any suggestions would be helpful. [fishon]
Pulled a limit of nice crappie Sunday night fished from 6 to 11 pm. If you would like to know where I was fishing or what I was dropping down the hole shoot me a pm