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How is Hyrum fishing I have been seeing groups out there all week just trying to decide if i want to go tomorrow
Did you make it out there?
My son and I got out on Hyrum today. We didn't get out until about 10-10:30, stayed until 1. Fishing was slow. I got 2 perch and 3 trout, and my son ( a teenager) got a lesson in humility.

Ice was popping the whole time we were there. Ice thickness was about 5 inches or so, maybe a little more.

There were a lot of people on the ice, particularly off the boat ramp.
It was fast action for trout today. We got a couple dozen but most were 12-14”. I heard stories of 20” fish being caught but never seen the big ones. We got one 11” perch.

Yesterday I got on a perch pile and could catch them each drop but they were only 7”ers. So fast action but I didn’t find the quality. Good luck. Jeff
Thanks for info I will be going with my daughter out there tomorrow and give it a try
Hey I hope you did well. That snow probably made some slush today. Hope it wasn’t too big of a mess. Later J
Never made it out there got stuck plowing snow most of day maybe next weekend
Probably for the best, I’ll bet that much new snow has really made a slushy mess now and it may not refreeze with the insulation on top now. Dang I hate this phase of ice fishing. Well let’s hope it didn’t happen. Later J
Hyrum update, Thinking of taking the kids on Monday, what kinda conditions will we be facing, Haventbeen there yet this year and wondering ice, slush/snow on ice, just want to have the right gear for them to have enjoyable time. Thanks for any advice, perhaps mantua will be better option .
Hyrum is great the slush is frozen in the mornings with maybe a little bit in the afternoons in some spots the ice is over a foot thick.
Hyrum should be good for you if that new storm don’t complicate things too much. Swim beach is a great spot to access the lake. Fishing is pretty good there now and probably better than Mantua now. Have fun. Later J
Well perfect sounds like a plan, weather permitting I will head that direction in the morning. Thanks for the updates
Forecast is decreasing in amount so hopefully it will treat ya right. That hill can be a little scary if it gets snow packed, but they plow it and the sun melts it off well. I used to take my Geo Metro down there on snowy days and I’d get out so you should be okay. Have a fun day. J
Fished out from swim beach today in 24 fow. marked lots of fish, but only caught 7 small perch on Gulp maggots. They didn't want meal worms. Saw a few slimmers caught. Road was clear and dry. Have fun.