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Hey Guys!
Well, I think most of you heard the news when I announced not too long ago that I have decided to spend the next two years of my life serving a mission for my church and serving the Lord. Today I received my calling in the mail to let me know where it is I'd be spending those next two years...
I have been called to serve in the Arizona Tempe Mission!!! Not far at all! [Wink] I'm supposed to report to the MTC in Provo, UT, on May 5th. Just thought I'd give everyone the update!!! [cool]
Congratulations Alex, that's awesome!

Hopefully you'll have a few companions that will want to do a little fishing on pday!

congrts, should be a fun mission, doesnt it seem like there are ALOT of states missions going out nowadays?
I've been noticing the same thing...I think the last 4 guys in my ward in CA that have been sent out on missions went stateside...that and a lot of people going to south america...
Hey, if you have some free time on P-Day sometime, my Brother-in-Law manages the bass fishery at Dobson Ranch in Mesa and I could get you hooked up to fish there. Wasn't Peter a fisherman?
Congratulations Elder Sturgeon! Good luck in being a "fisher of men". Don't worry, the fish will still be there when you get back.

nice job Sturgeonkid. it is an awesome thing to serve a mission. to believe in something so much that you would give up two years of your life is amazing. i got my call new years eve, just a couple of months ago in 03. i got called to serve in the Paragauy Asuncion mission. i report to the mtc on april 7. congrats

Hey congrats to you too as well JR8fish. I served in Nicaragua back in 99 to 01.

Que el Señor te bendiga y sea tu compañero a todo tiempo!
Hmmmmm...I like the sound of that MRJ. I will make sure to post my address where I can be reached before I leave. You'll have to write me a letter and give me the hook-ups with that bass ranch...we'll just have to see what the mission president says...Ha!
I guess they couldn't have picked a nice town for you to serve in . I hope you enjoy it there and be sure to keep in touch. I may be over there for the spring fling. Hope I get a chance to meet you in person,.
congrats. hey there are several lakes not too far from phoenix, they do have fish but you will have to contend with alot of water skiers and sun bathers. as I remember it there were people fishing there. it has been a long time since I was there 83-85 wow that was a long time ago
I'm old
did anyone see where I put my walker? what? let me turn up my hearing aid. now what was that again?
Best wishes to you! Thanks for the update! Congrats to jr8fish as well! I think my nephew will becoming back from Paraguay this March. He loved it.

Dobson Ranch is a large private community and they have a lot of little lakes and ponds throughou the place. All you need is someone to sponsor you and issue you a permit. All the fishing, as far as I know, is from the shore. No water skiiers.
You might want to make sure you can fish on your mission. Some places let you, on P-day of course, and others don't.
[#800080][size 2]S-Kid, good going. There are perks down there that won't send you to spirit prison(hell you heathens). First, Tubedude is nearby. Second, spring training-you miss this year. But, you 'll have two more chances. Is it english(I mean AMERICAN) speaking. How far will you be from the Colorado River Drainage? [/size][/#800080]
Congratulation Alex, I wish you the best. Hey, If your in provo the week before May 5 give me a call and we can hit utah lake one more time before you go. later chuck
Congrats! There are advantages to stateside. I started out in Spain and got sick....I finished in California.....the states have their perks.

My wife's family is all in Tempe. I bet you end up being assigned in at least on of their wards. My wife's home ward is the Corona something. They meet in a stake center right behind Corona Del Sol High School on the Tempe/Chandler boarder.

I might even end up in a place that you'll be. There's currently a good chance that I could be accepting an offer at the ASU Law School.
Hey Shrimpboy...
Awesome! Tell your wife's family to just look for an Elder Meine comin' their way sometime! Har Har! And if you happen to find me down there, make sure to say hey!
haha, ya, it's an English speaking mission. I'm not sure how close I'll be to the colorado river drainage however...the mission doesn't really go much more north than Tempe...
Hey Chuck...
Haven't heard from you in a while, dude. Anywho, I don't think I'll be able to make it up there the week before May 5th, BUT I am going to try and head up there two more times before then. One of which will probably be next weekend, and then I will try and come up again sometime in March or April I think. If Utah Lake sucks too bad, maybe we can go get some smallmouths up at Deer Creek or Jordanelle. Shoot me an e-mail at and give me an e-mail address or phone number that i can reach ya at so I can let you know when I'll be up there next...thanks Chuck!