You ever have one of those days? Headed to Bear Lake this morning for the Cisco run. Got there just right except when I went to stand my poles up I found something had bounced on the tip of my favorite rod and busted the tip off. All the frost heaves in Logan Canyon have that road rougher than any other I’ve driven on. I guess one on those bumps or the cattle guard pitched something heavy onto my rod. Bummer. Well I got my boat resurrected so I could take it on this trip but it wasn’t fit for a long run so we stuck around the marina. Bad choice, not one hit all day and only seen a couple marks on the fish finder. I couldn’t believe it was so dead there today. Major strike out oh and to add to my fun, my FIL dropped my $150 jigging rod reel over the side of the boat. But thank Heaven for miracles, we were in the middle of an ice flow and my anchor was small and I didn’t think it was holding us in place and I tried and tried and on the cast I was going to give up on I felt weight and somehow I hooked an eye on that rod. Total blessing there, so we quit on that note and went home. Should have skipped that trip. Later J
Yes, I try to go with the glass half full approach. You were dang lucky to hook your rod and reel and save it from a watery grave.
I'd say it was a pretty good day all in all, and it will add to your fish telling story library
You are so right there, we didn’t have very much line out and it was 25’ straight down. Odds of retrieving that one were not very good at all. The ice flow was so thick I could hardly get a line down to try and snag it, let alone dropping it where I wanted to drop it. Yup I had some help on that one. Guess it’s not all about the fish after all. Had a fun day with my FIL and his health seemed a little better today so you’re right it was a good day. Thanks J
I've had the sane luck in the past . Glad you got your jigging rid / reel.
Was that you guys fishing just outside of the mouth of the marina?
We were running late and didn't get launched till 9:30.
Took us till about 3 in the afternoon to jig up our limits of Cisco on the rock pile.
Thank you for all of your advice. You helped us have a great day of fishing even though your wasn't as good.
Just a heads up, you can launch small boats at the private marina just south of Gus Rich Point. Its called Spinnaker marina. The water is only about 2' deep, but I could get a 16' deep V with a 25hp launched without any issues. Then its just a short run to the rockpile from there. I counted over 31 boats on the Rockpile on Saturday mid-morning. I think everyone limited. Oh, the cisco showed up along Cisco Beach too. See my report from this morning.
Thanks appreciate that. J
Yup that was us, we tried all over around the marina and three times my screen got filled with indications but I never even bumped a fish. I expected they were schools of Cisco but usually you feel a bump when there are that many fish around. They never stuck around more than ten to fifteen seconds so I guess they were on the move. I’m glad you did well and I was really curious whether anyone was catching anything. Lot of folks from east side came to the marina looking for fish. So I’m glad to hear you found them. Any trout or white fish? Thanks J
Hey Scott I didn’t know they would let me launch there. Thought you had to own part of the condos or something to use it. Thanks for the tip. My boat is bigger but it’s used to shallow stuff from my Cutler time. Good to know the fish are there and thanks for the info. Jeff
I believe it was Lagoon that had the advertising slogan, "You never know until you go!" That has become something of a mantra in my family and has pushed me out the door many times to go give something a try. Sorry it was such a bad day but that just means you'll have a great day sometime in the future.
Lucky for FIL you can catch anything ,or it could've been a long ride home with you reminding them that was 150 bucks ha ha glad to hear you caught it back.
Yeah we had about a half dozen white fish actually take the kastmasters that we were jigging with and snagged about the same amount but set that see ones free.
From around 4 till sundown we trolled with the down riggers just off the rock pile and picked up two Lakers going 8 and 9 pounds.
Couldn't have asked for any better weather for a day out on that lake in January.
I never feel bad for going, only that I wasted a kitchen pass while I did it. With the ice season winding down I feel sort of bad that I didn’t choose a better location for that day. But ya win some and lose some others. So next will hopefully be better. Later J
[quote SkunkedAgain]
With the ice season winding down...
Bite your

Yup he was going to replace it even though I told him not too, so I was glad I got it back so he didn’t think he needed to. Besides it was my only casting reel so I really didn’t want to lose that one. I like it for jigging for big fish and only use it this time of year. Anyway was glad things worked out. Later J
Thanks for the update and info. Sounds like it was a great day for you guys. Thanks Jeff
I hate that as much as anyone but just calling it as I’m seeing things. Ponds are clearing already and I doubt they’ll tack up again this year. It’s

. Should have been a couple weeks longer but doesn’t look good to me. Later J
Sorry about the wasted kitchen pass. But you just gotta live by the idea that the best time to go fishing is whenever you can. Good and bad trips even out over time...even if it is hard to
with clenched teeth.[/#0000FF]
I used to be a big fan of Zig Ziglar...a motivational speaker who was born in Yazoo City, Mississippi and who had a lot of good homespun philosophies. One of my favorites was "If you wait 'til all the lights are on green you ain't never gonna leave the house." Bad grammar but very applicable to fishing.