03-03-2019, 10:00 AM
Started out Friday morning around Harrison bay throwing a trap and square bill. Bite was slow Friday but had s good limit around 19-21lbs. Fish where very shallow. Saturday was very wet and the lake had come up two feet over night but we where going fishing. Started out on one of the Harrison bay islands caught a four lber in the first ten mins then the next cast the rod felt like I hit a log then started moving at the boat very fast. Mike jumped for the net and the fish started pulling drag under the boat I got the line under the trolling motor and then she came up and my heart landed in my throat. She rolled and then gave up and swam straight to the net. I think everyone on the lake heard us freaking out. My scale wouldn’t turn on. So we pout her on the live well and found a guy fishing the Kayak tournament and he let us use his scale she weighed 12 lbs 13oz on his scale. After a few pics I put her back in the lake. This wa a fish of a life time. We fished the rest of the day like we where on cloud nine. The fish bit good for us on shallow mud banks. Our five best was pushing the dirty thirty. Now Sunday just flat sucked the lake had risen another three feet and turned muddy. We left at noon and never had a bite.