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Full Version: Upper salmon steelhead fishing
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Has anyone fished from north fork to challis? I know much of the challis area is still ice bound, but looking to head up and give it a go. Probably will end up taking the boat from Ellis and down river from there. Just thought I’d see how conditions were.
Should be fine. Cold nights bring some slush back but the majority of the river is clear. Fishing is; well, fishing!
Made it out for 5 hours yesterday and today. Yesterday managed a wild male, a nice wild rainbow and a cutthroat. Skunked today. Was glad to get a fish in the boat yesterday. I’d say we are a week or two out before fishing picks up. Cold weather and cold water. Slush cleared around noon each day.

We had to push the boat over shelf ice to launch above Ellis. The river from challis and on upstream is heavily locked with ice still. Haven’t seen that much ice on March 10 ever.

Best of luck to those who give it a go!
Fished at Ellis on Saturday for 7 hours. Nobody there. Fish check guy said nothing he had seen caught all week. Three of us never touched a fish.
It has definitely been slow. I still think the fish that are in the system are down river still. I was up two weekends ago and we managed one more fish in two days. Others we talked to were having similar experiences.

Still plenty of ice completely covering stretches of river from the challis bridge up to dead mans. Haven’t seen ice like that into March.

Hoping to get up in the next week or so before runoff happens.
Water still looks great. I agree fish are late. Fingers crossed no massive runoff
Thanks everyone, for your reports. I was just looking through my Steelhead tackle box.