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Full Version: Lindon Kitty Session 3-12-19
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[#0000ff]Looked like today might be decent weatherwise. I figgered there might be some kitties what wanted to play before the next weather session. I figgered right.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Launched at Lindon (Utah Lake) about 7:30. Air temp 33 and water temp 44. Won't be long until the walleyes get frisky. Water was also pretty clean...for Utah Lake. And the water level in the harbor was at least 3.5 feet all the way out.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Didn't see much on sonar in the shallow water and didn't get any love on the plastics I threw around the dikes on the way out. So I motored a ways toward the bubbleup and then shut down and started drifting with bait. I brought crawlers, carp meat and some baby white bass from last year.
[#0000ff]I wasn't expecting fast action but was hoping to avoid another skunk. No worries. Got my first munch before 8:30...a respectable 2 footer. Barely got it released and my flig n' crawler rig got busy. Hoping for a walleye but settled for another 2 footer kitty. Skunks be gone.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Worked my way toward the bubbleup, making S turns and fishing water from about 3 feet out to 5 feet. Got a couple of "cancelled orders" in about 4 feet. Suspected they might have been bullheads. Just before I got to the bubbleup my rod with a little whitie bounced and the line streamed out from the open bail. When I set the hook the fish came to the top and thrashed in the shallow water. Looked to be of worthy size so I played it carefully. Not a slugfest like they are in warmer water but respectable. Turned out to be my biggest of the day...a 27 incher I put on the bump board and took a pic.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]No buoys on the pipe for the bubbleup yet, but the end is still visible where it comes out of the water. So I could use that and sonar to follow it out and make casts in search of white bass or walleyes. Nary a sniff from anything. So put the bait rods back out and started back toward the harbor.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Finally got into one of my "Kitty Condo" zones and scored a few more fish in short order. Several more 2 footers and a 25 and 26 incher that posed for pictures on my bump board before I sent them back to the frigid waters.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Most of my fish today came on carp cutlets. The largest was on white bass, but that was the only inquiry I had on it. Then there was the early volunteer on a small flig and worm. The last three cats of the day came on Kong Fligs and a hefty chunk of Farmington Bay carp meat. I actually ran out of that and the bite was over. I think I brought about nine kitties to net today.
[#0000ff]As I fired up my electric motor for the run back to the harbor...nothing. I suspected that moving my bump board back and forth might have jarred loose the battery connection. So I kicked toward shore until I could stand up and check. Turns out one of the connectors had broken. Glad I keep a little box of such goodies in my tube. A little work with knife and pliers and I was motorized again.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]No boats on the water today. There were a couple of bank tanglers fishing the outside of the dikes as I came by. They said they had not had any bites. And when I told them I caught some catfish I don't think they believed me. Who would throw back catfish?[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Had nice calm conditions all morning. Water warmed a couple of degrees to 46 by the time I left at about 1. It was good to see lots of snow on Timp. It has been awhile since the snow covered it to the point you couldn't see the rocky ridges.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Oh yeah, it was much better going home smelling of catfish slime rather than skunk.
That's awesome, the kitties looks healthy. Thank yoiu for the info and congratulation on the South team getting cats on the board. I am hoping to contribute to the board this weekend.
You had the same idea I had with weather changing soon I hit Lincoln today with my son. Let’s just say you caught a lot more than me. I got your skunk. They just aren’t ready to play off the dikes I guess. Glad you had a successful day and got out. Glad you didn’t get stranded
Mostly females today, Do the ladies get on the prowl sooner?
[#0000FF]It is a ratio thing. Seems to be far fewer males than females. But during the spawn and right afterward there are more males showing up...usually with battle scars.[/#0000FF]

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Way to go Pat, that's a great day for sure... much better than the last trip... So do you expect it will be game on, on the warmer days from now on? You sure do amazing things with catching cats nice job and thanks for the report... PS.. better get them entered on the contest board you and Ben may have put the south in the lead... Later J
[#0000FF]Definitely better after getting the skunk put to bed, hopefully for the rest of the year.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]After Mama Nature gets back on her meds I think conditions are going to steadily improve...and so will the fishing. As I have claimed before, some of the best fishing for bigger fish usually happens early in the year. I plan to test that theory soon and often.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Already put my new pics on the contest. Not the 30 plus inchers I intend to replace them with, but okay for place holders.
Way to get out and "git er done!" While you were getting the skunk off I was getting rid of a cold. I hope to be out during the next slight warming trend. You surley are good at increasing my optimism.

Thanks for the report and the pictures
its good you got that skunk off of you, looks like the water temp is coming up nicely, I run out to lincoln sunday, for a bit, water temp up to 42 depending on where I was. only managed one goldeneye and a couple rocks, didnt try for any cats, its looking like this weekend and the first of the week might be the good, I hope.
already advised the boss it looking like I'll sick on monday for therapy.
[#0000FF]Nice "bycatch" pics. Hope next week works better for all of us. The walleyes gotta be tuning up for the concert.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Rather than just calling in sick, claim you have some eye problems. You just can't see yourself going to work when the fish are in.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Good luck. I will be heading down that way next week too...probably.
I usually just tell him i have to go to therapy and its best for all if I go cast away all my problems.
Thanks Pat as soon as I posted that I seen you had them entered. I’ll get them scored shortly, but got a busy morning going so haven’t had time yet. Congrats. Jeff
Hey Pat, nice goin. Mind a question? What kind of camera are you using? You get a nice clear focused shot of whole fish and bump board, even when you are holding the fish down with one hand.
[#0000FF]I have been using the Pentax Optio 90 for several years. It is waterproof down to 90 feet and has zoom and macro to allow for special shots. Overall I have been happy with it but it certainly does not produce the high quality images with super color saturation and other niceties of some of the higher end cameras. However, it is compact and I always have it on a lanyard around my neck for quick access.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I also use a photo editing software...ACD See. It allows me to tweak the exposure, crop and rotate the pictures, change the size and add text if I want.
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Now wait a minute, change the size??? Is that how you get that big of fish on the first outing... Now we know??? JK...

I was wondering about Photoshop[Wink]
[quote SkunkedAgain]Now wait a minute, change the size??? Is that how you get that big of fish on the first outing... Now we know??? JK...[/quote]

[#0000FF]Waitaminnit! Not the size of the fish...the size of the it will fit BFT's limitations better. I can't manipulate the size of any given part of the image, like you can with Photoshop. But my program costs less and is easier to learn and use for non-pro photo use.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Photoshop is a great tool for serious photographers who want to spend a bit more money, take more time to learn it and have the need for some of the extra functions it allows. Not for me.
Glad we have a just for fun contest so I don't have to worry about folks cheating, I wouldn't be smart enough to catch'em... and they wouldn't have any fun with the contest... It is fun to tease about though... Kind of like the tease of which team will win it... I'm glad everyone has fun with this contest it makes it a lot of fun for me to administer and hopefully I don't ever offend anyone, it's definitely not meant to be offensive... Hope everyone else has fun with it as well... Later Jeff
I knew what you meant, just wanted to do a little kidding... Later J
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