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Full Version: Where are good accessible places to fish at Strawberry?
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I have family coming in town from AZ next weekend for spring break. I’ve been planning on taking them ice fishing at strawberry. I went up yesterday just to check out the ice thickness and get a few things prepared for hosting a group of 6 out on the ice. Caught 12 fish by myself out away from the marina in my favorite spot. But now I’m seeing posts that the road to the marina is closed starting tomorrow?! Is that true? The road was completely fine yesterday. Had a small layer of compacted snow and was very easy to drive on. Can anyone confirm that it will actually be closed? Or does it just mean the plows won’t be clearing any more snow during the next snow fall? Will the road be blocked off? What if I have a 4 wheel drive truck? Can I drive on it at my own risk? I’d prefer to drive to the marina parking lot so i can take the group to the only place I’ve ever gone ice fishing over the last 15 years.

If the road is literally going to be closed, what are some other good spots to take my group ice fishing at strawberry.
the road will remain open ,just no plowing after tomorrow . access will be fine util it snows again .
so your good this week at least
My son past the marina today, the road was blocked off with a big pile of snow, just like they said they would do....
If you keep going east from the marina turnoff you will come to Chicken Creek East and The Ladders. I haven't fished at either recently but there should be others on here who can give you recent reports. Good luck and have fun.
Thanks. For the ladders, I’m not looking for anyone’s secret spot. But do you just walk out from the channel and pick a spot? Is it all good fishing in that area?
yeah. It can be pretty good there at times. If you're not finding fish, relocate....

Another decent place is just east of the ladders at the old Charlie's Boat Camp area. there is another turn out there, and you have to walk down off the hill to the lake....
Sorry, I'm not trying to keep any secrets. I just don't have any. We usually walk until we are tired and try to "feel" the fish [Wink].