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Full Version: Bear Lake froze again
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Went to BL yesterday and about 2/3 of the lake had about 1/2 inch of ice. We launched at the state park marina and there was only a small area in front of the marina that was open. We tried to break through the ice but it was too thick and went way to for. Several other boats came out and did the same thing. Even the jet boats did not get through. Probably will not last long but just a heads up if you are going up in the next few days.
The lake is clear of ice today (Tuesday 3/19) Just a few sheets of ice here and there. Talked to several boats who were going out this morning. I just posted an updated fishing/access report on this main page too.
After reading your report, I guess I should have gone to the E. side. I was up there on Friday and we got to the rock pile with no problem. It was -3 degrees when we got there on Friday. I guess those few cold nights with no wind froze it for Monday. We did catch 5 cuts around the marina yesterday. Thanks for the update.