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What a difference a day makes! Fished Lincoln with The Dude today and fishing was very good. I caught 7 cats, one 27 1/2, and one 28 inches. Carp meat was the bait of choice today. Water temp touched 48 and fishing should get better as the temps continue to rise.

Tube Dude and I went in different directions in the same general area. He was still on the water when I left at noon-ish. Don't know if I dare say this but I think... I think, I might have caught more fish than he did -- a major first for me. Always fun fishing with him and I look forward to his version of our safari.

Had the pleasure of meeting R2D2 and his wife on the launch. Nice folks and they are now living closer to UL since they moved from their home closer to Willard. Wise choice.

Good times ahead.

Been waiting for your report -- looks you did really well. Pisco just called and we'll be heading to Provo Harbor in a little while. We'll be out after dark; I should post a report later tonight.
[#0000FF]Good seein' ya again, ol' buddy. But I caught one more after you left, so I also got 7. Howsomever, you got me on sizes. I couldn't scratch anything over about 25 inches today. Still, it was a nice day and got to meet some other BFTers too.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I'll put up my pictorial rant later.
Good to see you again, you should come out and visit, I think that hole should be holding some cats, I snuck up in there sunday could see some carp I'm sure those cats would be up around the edge.
Craig-- Glad you guys made it out last night. I'll be watching for Pisco's detailed report. Hope the wind wasn't bad for you.

Mike-- I agree that hole is a magnet for big cats. Hard to get in there without GPS to guide. I have to pick my way in there among the prop eaters and it helps to have a little more water to navigate through. I think the big males seek that spot out for their love nests when the water temps are right. The dangers from bird attacks are almost as bad as trying to dodge the rocks.

I plan to hit that spot a few times this year.

Good to see you on the water.
If you use your bow motor you will be ok , raise the main, water level is ok