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Full Version: BFT day at LB 3-19-19
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[#0000ff]BLK and I had hatched a plan to assault Lincoln Beach in my tube and he in his boat. I got there first and was preparing to launch as MSM1970 backed his boat to the water. He was planning to head to Bird Island. Hope he found some walleyes. Water temp was 48 and that should be getting them frisky.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Air temp at launch was a brisk 30...warming to almost 50 at 1 pm departure. Water temp did not go up much in the main lake but it was up to 54 in the channel when I came back in. Oh yeah, there is an attached picture of a big black leech that was right at the water's edge on the ramp when I was getting ready to launch. A lot of walleye guys would love to have a bucket of those.
[#0000ff]I had already cruised out to the flats SE of the boat channel...out from BS...when BLK drove in and launched his cat craft. He stopped by to say howdy...and then he headed off to fish out off the point. I shoulda gone there too.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]In years past I have done well early in the year on big cats on the flats. (rhymes, too). I did find a few willing players, but they were all just "middle school" bigguns. But, they bent my stick and stretched my string. I got no pride so I just enjoyed the heck out of 'em.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]I used both carp meat and LHBE minnows. Although I got lots of hits on the carp meat I didn't catch anything on it. I suspect some of the hits were bullheads or white bass. All the fish I brought to net were on the chub minnows. I didn't bring any white bass meat today.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]BLK said he got his fish in 6-8 feet of water. It gets a bit deeper off the point. I fished from 3' out to over 6' and most of my bites came right around the 5' mark.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]When I got back to the ramp there were a couple of other BFTers there. cdbrc was prepping to launch his boat with a couple of boatmates. Good to meet him after a few years of cyber chatting. Old friend r2u2 was also there waiting for me on the ramp. He has migrated south and now lives in Payson. But has a couple of health issues he needs to take care of before he can join us on the water. Good luck, Richard.[/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Nice day, today. Not brutally cold and the W played nice...just a few light breezes...from multiple directions. Water was a bit murkier than last week at Lindon...but warmer. Hoping spring is in full swing. About time.
Good to see ya again Pat, it was a beautiful day, didn't put as many as you or Lynn in the boat but did ok,, [Wink]

pm sent
Because I know the man I won't Say, it looks like three poises of the same model. 😄 ha ha

I sorry I'm just jellous. 😯
Thanks TD for those pictures and your report. I always loved that view of the mountain. Can't find spelling for Mt. Tipp. LOL

I'm going to come down to LB and help on the clean up, so I can meet some of you. And do a little fishing while I'm there.
It was good to meet you and chat awhile. We fished out by the point in 4 to 8 ft of water with 5-6 foot being the most productive. We got 5 cats the biggest being 27 plus at 8#9oz. Another 27 incher got off at the boat and was about the same weight. Slow day but great to be on the water instead of the slush. All fish were caught on wb and chub meat. And thanks TD for all the great posts and info on your posts. Makes fishing FUNNER
We sure live in pretty country. Not many have that view when chasing kittys. I spent time in the south and got to chase big blue cats, but I was always to worried about the gators to enjoy the view.
[quote MSM1970]Good to see ya again Pat, it was a beautiful day, didn't put as many as you or Lynn in the boat but did ok,, [Wink]

pm sent[/quote]
[#0000FF]Likewise...good to meet up again.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Okay? I'd trade my catch for yours anytime. I know "the rest of the story".[/#0000FF]
[quote fast_randy]Thanks TD for those pictures and your report. I always loved that view of the mountain. Can't find spelling for Mt. Tipp. LOL

[#0000FF][url ""]Timpanogos[/url] (link)[/#0000FF]

I'm going to come down to LB and help on the clean up, so I can meet some of you. And do a little fishing while I'm there.[/quote]

[#0000FF]It will be good to meet you. From your posts on other threads I seem to remember you have Idaho ties. Me too. Born in Idaho Falls...MANY years ago.[/#0000FF]

[#0000FF]I also used to swing a metal detector a lot and was diving for gold in California before everybody else was. Got quite a a whopping 32 dollars an ounce. Found a 7 oz. nugget once.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Sounds like you got into some quality fish. Waytago.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Did you check your files for that Jig Fishing writeup.
I'm attaching the table of contents of the latest edition.
Thanks for sharing the photos. My favorite is the one of the cat with the jaunty little red hat on--so cute [sly].

Pisco and I caught a few last night, too. Look for his report later. As they say, "Film at 6."
[quote Cowboypirate]We sure live in pretty country. Not many have that view when chasing kittys. I spent time in the south and got to chase big blue cats, but I was always to worried about the gators to enjoy the view.[/quote]

[#0000FF]Welcome aboard our board. Hope you and your family have a happy landing and that our fish treat you nicely.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I know whatcha mean about the gators. Done a lot of fishing in south Texas, Louisiana and Florida. But I hate the water moccasins more than gators...especially when they drop into your boat from an overhanging branch. Also had to gobsmack a couple that wanted to crawl in my float tube with me. When I told them I had a headache it didn't help. But a few "applied psychology" whacks with a big landing net handle slowed them down.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Love both blue cats and flatheads. I have wished many times that we had them in Utah. There are some GOBs (good ol' boys) down around Utah Lake that swear there are both in that lake. And they will go fist city with you if you try to explain it ain't so.[/#0000FF]
[quote catchinon]Thanks for sharing the photos. My favorite is the one of the cat with the jaunty little red hat on--so cute [sly]. [/quote]

[#0000FF]Yeah, that kitty was here on vacay from LA. He was modeling a new line of "catware" from Yeezy. Our local whiskerfish are a bit old fashioned. Don't think the trend will catch on here.[/#0000FF]
TD, you are amazing. Oh how I wish I had known you years ago. I grew up in Roy, Utah.
I retired when I was 53 and moved to Blackfoot to help on my sister-in-laws farm and hunt pheasant. I had a great Bird dog then, she later got cancer, I'm sure from all the Round Up sprayed around the farm! I have a different dog now, my constant companion. She will be with me at LB.
That 7 oz nugget would be worth well over $10,000.00 now.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with us all.
Hey them good old happy valley boys can call 'em flatheads or blues or Elvis, so long as they leave some for me to catch
[#0000FF]It ain't what they call the fish so much as what they call anybody who tries to correct them. Some of them have limited vocabularies...and not very politically correct or respectful either.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]The basic attitude is..."My mind is made up. Don't go confusing me with facts."
I just realized I had read this post while fishing and didn't respond. It was great as usual.

[#0000FF]Thanks back atcha.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]It is great to be able to read writin'...and to write readin'. You do well at both.