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Full Version: pikemans fishlake get together
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those of you who wern't able to make it up to fishlake today missed out, it was about 30 degrees with no wind the sun came out once in a while, the fishing was kinda slow but there were some nice splake and rainbows caught. He had a drawing that had some awesome prises and his wife makes a killer chili.

it was nice to meet some more members and the new members that had just signed up.

personal note to HFT pikeman says thanks for the whatta-crickets they caught the most fish the first to catch 4 fish and the biggest fish (that was entered in the frogeyes contest) and the first fish of the day.

over all it was a great day on the ice good weather, friends, and food.
Great report, glad you had fun. A little to far for me to travel. We need to plan anouther one some where around northern UT.
I just got back from fish lake (what a long drive) just wanted to say thanks to pikeman for all of the work he did to put the fish lake get together on, and a thanks to Mrs. pikeman for the awsome chili and breadsticks.

fishing was kind of slow but I caught splake for the first time and that made it all worth while
Hey there fishnpro19, [Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2631;] to BFT!
That's great! I wish I could have made the trip. I hate working every weekend[mad]. Maybe next year pikeman can do it again, I'd sure try to make arrangements for the long trip.