Executive Summary: Fished out of the Provo harbor on 3/26/2019 with Catchinon. We got on the water about 5:15 P.M. and were greeted to warm clam weather and 54 degrees in the harbor. As we got on the main lake we were surprised to find the water up to 56.5. It cooled to 51.5 by our 11:15 P.M departure. We fished from 2.5 to 7.5 FOW dragging cut WB and a crawler at 0.4 to 1.0 MPH. We had 3 cats hit in 4.5 to 5.5 FOW. All of them were hooked but only one knew how to hold a bait all the way to the boat. We found no whites inside the harbor or out. Winds were almost zero until about 10:00 and then picked up to about 10 mph SSW.
Full Story: The conditions seemed perfect for March. The company was good and we even saw a mink looking for goodies to steal in the north dike. We covered lots of water that had few active fish in it. They must have gone to Acapulco for a convention. We got 1 cat about 25 inches.
Been waiting to see how things turned out... Sorry to hear you didn't find more action, but congrats on a nice fish anyway... Way to pay the price, you'll get your reward next trip... Later J
Thanks! I'm glad March is over, for me getting out anyway. I just did a catfish summary in Excel of the last few years and my average fish/trip in March is 2. In April it climbs to over 10. Bring on the warmer weather!
Good going Pisco! Great fishing is on the way! Did you guys go as far as Powell Slough?
Thanks! We got within 1/2 mile of it, but that was as far north as we got
I'm a little worried that March is over, last year I had two of my top three fish in March... Haven't found anything close to them yet this year... But the two years are a lot different, so I still hope I've got a few weeks of good fishing to come.... I expect it will be good for a while yet.... Glad you guys got out and had some nice weather anyway... So are you catching all your fish after sundown lately? Mine had been strictly in the daylight till last night, when I got one about an hour after sundown... I prefer catching them in the light, but if I have to stay a while after to get a fish, I guess I'll do that too... Later Jeff
We tried to but we were out a ways. We probably should have been fishing in shallower water. We spent a lot of time going north in 7.5 fow which is where we had success last time. Ya make yore choice, take yore chances, and get what you get.
Last trip we got one before dark. I think it is mostly that it has taken us until after dark to find the active fish. Craig said the same thing list night, he prefers to catch then in the daylight. We moslty stayed until we got something.
My largest last year came in March as well, but the rest of the world caught a lot of good fish in other months. I'm not worried about the size thinkg this year. They will come! Last year September seemed the best for larger fish in my area. My best ever was the first weekend in June. Lots of opportunity still.
[#0000FF]Good report. Somewhat less "blabber fingers" than the last one...but good.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Your pic of the 25 should not be allowed. Your contest card is upside down. Some kids![/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Just got through with an e-chat with BLK...on the subject of having to hunt for the fish. In early days of the transition from ice to warm the fish are moving around...looking both for food and warmer water. That means that on any given day you might have to prospect a lot of water in different places...at different depths...to find willing fish.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I have ordered warmer weather and better fishing for next month. Now if only my order gets through and ain't ignored....
Good news/bad news exercise. What I didn't get: a fish in the boat, a sunburn, and frozen--four layers on the bottom, five on upper body. What I did get: a hook-up on a rig I designed myself (not very creative, just a variation on what I learned last year).
Thanks for the kind words. I think we made a bad assumption last night. We leaned more toward thinking they were shut down rather than we just hadn't found them. We coverd a lot of water, but mostly in the same area.
As for the "blabber fingers," I just wanted to see if anyone noticed and my brain was a bit tired.
We'll see what Jeff says about the upside down logo. He's usually pretty lenient for fish below 28".
Just for the record though, the logo was rightside up. The fish was upside down in the picture. I rotated the picture because I didn't want any complaints about that[

I just haven't figured out where the fish go post spawn up here, so I have to catch mine early or else I'm out of luck... I know they are still around, but I sure haven't figured out where that round is... And I know lots of folks keep catching them all summer up here, but for some reason I can't... Maybe this year will be different... I'll keep hoping anyway... I sure like this stretch of fishing up until the farming gets in the way in May/June though... So happy times are coming... Later J
Oh yes, I hope your order comes in too!
I really thought that your fish was hooked well enough. It just got lucky, camera shy I would guess.
As I was reading the start of this reply, I was thinking: "your fishing time goes way down after the spawn." The I saw that you covered that.
As for where they go, My guess is "follow the groceries." I don't know Cutler, so I haven't clue how to apply it, but I think it is the answer.
Good luck in the upcomming rush season!
I ordered some warm weather, too. Problem is that they are back-ordered and it won't arrive until sometime in May. I hope by the fourth.
Oh, I'm never too worried about orientation of the card, my phone always rotates things different than you shoot anyway, so I'll let that slide for sure... Just get me a clear shot of the fish and scale, that's the most important part... Tell you what, that trying to take pictures in the dark when you don't have a flash light with you, can be challenging to get things lined up... That fish last night didn't want to hold still and it was dark so either one end or the other wasn't straight or over the line... Very hard to get good photo's... Part of the reason I like fishing in the light better... Sure hard to cover all the area that cats like, in order to find fish and still have enough time to fish for them for awhile.... Guess that's part of what makes it exciting and fun.. Later J
That is true, couple years back I found them where the carplets were hatching out, but as soon as the sun heated those areas up and they got too warm during the days, then they only showed up in the dark of night... then shortly after disappeared, which is probably when the carplets had moved out too... But where they go after I'm not sure... But that is a good tip to use to try and track them down... Thanks J.
Good report even if it was a bit shy of fishes netted. I share your frustration with trying to locate active fish. I had my best day this year last week in 8 fow out in front of the springs. I worked the same are Tuesday and couldn't find a fish. Tried a distant spot to he east and found 'em in 2-4 fow. Here one day and gone the next. Hopefully they will begin to reappear in established favorite spots.
Next week, for sure!